Transparent Audio Musiclink Plus Speaker Cables

Transparent Audio Musiclink Plus Speaker Cables 


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[Jul 26, 1998]
an Audio Enthusiast

As compared to the lowest Transparent model, The Link, this cable fills the lacking high frequency details at the slight expense of the robust midrange. Unlike comparing with other cables, the difference when listening through a headphone is quite huge. This cable is very unforgiving to recording defects and bright systems. If you have a good system, which you should if you're willing to pay that much for interconnects, give it a try. Otherwise, The Link is a much better performer in harsh systems. Then again, if you listen mostly to jazz you may prefer The Link over the Musiclink Plus on any system. Highly recommended for high end systems only.

[Nov 17, 1998]
an Audiophile

The Transparent MusicLink Plus is an excellent value. I had the pleasure of borrowing a broken-in set from a local retailer because my system sounds harsh and steely, physically uncomfortable at mid-volume after 45 min. Problem solved. The culprit was my Monster InterLink 400 MKII's and Monster speaker cable. The Transparents had much deeper and tighter base. My monitor-sized speakers had much better bass with the Transparents and withOUT my Definitive Technology sub, than with the sub and the Monster wires. Best of all, the sound was velvetly smooth and rich while NOT sacrificing details in the music- I finally discovered the right "shimmer" in the sound of cymbals. On a slack-key guitar CD by Hawaiian legend Gabby Pahinui, I could "feel" the skin of his hand rub the wood surface of his guitar as he rapped a rhythm. I played "YYZ" by Rush, and noticed that the drum strikes had tons of "punch" and a crisper sound. Images were finally delineated, compared to the Monster's sonic mush. Went through 6 hours of loud volume listening without fatigue.
I would encourage anybody auditioning cables to make sure they are broken-in, having NO LESS than 100 hour use (more is even better). Do business with a retailer who will give you a broken-in "loaner" set of matching cables and IC's to test at home. Without this opportunity, you are not making an informed choice.

5 star rating for the MusicLink Plus' performance within its price class.

Related components: Adcom GFP 565 pre, Adcom GFA 5400 amp, B&W DM 602's

[Nov 20, 1998]
CH Shih
an Audio Enthusiast

These cables are aesthetically appealing to look at and are sure to please those who are drawn to the 'big & thicker is better' audioheads. With regards to performance, they are above average with a tightly focused, deep, if what a little narrow soundstaging. This is probably due to the detailed instrument and image specificity. The trebles are crisp and very harsh, but levels out with break-in time. Up to 1-3 months of regular use is needed before you rid yourself of the sizzling highs and glaring treble & midrange. You have been warned. With some systems, this may never resolve and that indicates that your system is definately erring on the bright side.
DO NOT use these cables on bright systems!

On the plus side, these cables do squeeze out a lot more lower octaves than most cables and endows them with fair amount of detail too. The bass is weighty and smooth, but just lacks that little bit of pace to make it perfect.

Overall, the MusicLink PLUS offers fair performance for the money and it will satisfy many people with its level of detail and clarity, but there are better cables out there at this price range that are more forgiving of brighter systems without compromising other areas. A 2nd hand pair of ML PLUS at 3/4 or 1/2 the price would however, be a bargian in a well balanced system! If you can afford to, try the MusicLink Super. The ML Super offers performance levels more akin to its price pedigree than the ML PLUS.

[Jan 01, 1999]
an Audio Enthusiast

My review falls in line with most of the perceptive reviews below. With some exceptions. I never heard a bright or sizzly treble from these cables, but maybe I don't have a bright system. However I did hear some very weird things during the break-in period, which was an extended period -- I almost gave up on the cables until suddenly things snapped into place. So the advice about the LONG break-in is well-heeded. I noticed a real sluggishness and a "windy" sound during break-in. AFTER break-in, I noticed a real ... transparency in the mid-range with good bass. Superb detail in midrange, made some CDs almost sound analog, and pace was reasonable, micro-dynamics excellent in my digital system. BUT my one criticism is a rolled off treble. You may notice treble transients disappear, so the choice for you is if the super mids and bass are sufficient compensation for that. Cables are ideal choice for classical music, big ensemble music, due to their separation powers, but good with other music too. Rating of 4 stars is due to one defect of rolled-off treble.

[Dec 15, 1998]
a Casual Listener


[Feb 21, 1999]
an Audio Enthusiast

With the passage of time I've grown to appreciate these cables. No higher praise can be offered than the fact they are still a part of my system, having survived the almost uncontrollable itch of the audio enthusiast to try something new. If anything, they have improved over time "like a fine wine". My system is primarily a digital front end consisting of a PDT3, AA DTI Pro, Theta Pro Basic II single-ended. The Transparent Plus out of the DAC and into a Mod Squad line drive seems synergistic. This Theta is known to have higher output than usual, which perhaps helped to break them in. In any event it bears repeating -- the cables don’t give up their best performance easily or early. But for those whose associated components are of high caliber, these cables could be the magic glue to bring everything together.
Although at first one may be impressed primarily by soundstage, bass, or details of tone and phrasing, after break-in the sense of rhythm catches up. A jazz buff, I’m sensitive to sluggishness in components. And to the extent that the subjective sense of pace or rhythm is correlated with good dynamics (and I think it is), the Plus is right on.
I cannot put my finger on any particular coloration or signature in these. However there is one subtractive sin I would mention. With the Plus, treble in the highest octave of a piano (and higher) feels less energetic than with some other cables I’ve tried. Transparent seems to have designed with a different philosophy than other hi-end cables: where it the cliché to be more extended in the treble, Plus is more extended in the bass region. I discovered bass that I didn’t think my speakers had in them. But the greatest sonic benefit I’ve enjoyed is the increased detail and richness in midrange compared with similar-priced competitors. In music such as jazz, that center-stages individual players, the heart is the details of tone and phrasing. Lacking those subtleties, the level of enjoyment falls off quickly. Therefore the improvements made in that area by Plus, have translated to huge gains in involvement for me.
Is Plus the best interconnect at its price-point flat out? Hard to say, but in my system, these cables excel and will remain a permanent fixture.

[Sep 19, 1999]
Greg R.
an Audiophile

Every time that I go and try something, then buy it, I'm compelled to put a few words down on paper (or phosphorous, in this case). Having recently acquired the Copland CDA-266 [reviewed on this site], I needed proper interconnects. The local shop [Distinctive Audio] recommended that I try the MusicLink Plus, and compare it to the Cardas Quadlink and some old MIT 330 (?). The setup was the Copland, the cables, an Anthem Integrated 1 warmed up, Cardas Crosslink bi-wire speaker cable (also loaned), and the ProAc Tab.50 Sig.
The MIT's were the worst of the three (but not disgraceful - just not as good as the others...). Somewhat rough and distorted, and overly bright (and this going through 13 tubes!). Also a little too forward for my tastes. It basically came down to the Transparent and Cardas. They were quite similar for the time I had them (both were broken-in demos that D.A. has for loans), but the Transparent was more, well, transparent. While the Cardas was somewhat cheaper ($250 -vs.- $320 Canadian), it was also less revealing - the Transparent had crisper bass harmonics and more natural "ambiance". I guess that if I had a less-mellow system (ie.: solid state) then I'd prefer the Cardas as they were a bit more mellow in the top end...

Of course, now I have to rearrange my room no thanks no Cardas' tutorial on speaker placement (!


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