Van den Hul The Second Speaker Cables
Van den Hul The Second Speaker Cables
[Oct 31, 2005]
best match for digital player and solidstate amp
less depth in soundstage and less extension and air at high This cable need over 100 hours for burning. sound is so polite at first but just wait. This cable is good for solidstate and digital source.for tubes you should match it with your system.I connected it between accuphase cdplayer and krell power amplifier with dynaudio speakers. this cable changed the sound more than i expected because it make sound very natural and unforce at mid and high.solid sound of krell and digital signature of sound change to very analog like sound. it render the sound with ease and give you human like sound Similar Products Used: accuphase xlr transparent music wave monster m950i |
[Jun 06, 2004]
Clear. Detailed. Warm. Smooth. Open. Pleasant overall.
None for the money. I love them and do not understand why others rated them so low. They are certainly not the best out there but are without a doubt fantastic ICs for the money. Used with: All Legacy-Audio speakers Sony NS999ES DVD/SACD Anthem AVM20 Anthem PVA7 Similar Products Used: Discwasher. Monster. Kimber. Audioquest. XLO. |
[Jan 01, 2004]
Very reasonably priced They add nothing....
...but they do go soft at both frequecy extremes,just a lack of energy,nothing nasty. First off,it may be a tad unfair for me to review these cables after moving up(to XLO Reference),but I have done alot of listening around lately,hence the change in perspective. Those with Solid State systems will find these to be a fine match in a mid-priced set up.Tube folks,like myself,may find them a bit of a disapointment. The main reason is the lack of extension they provide,mainly in high frequencies(but also in low-end,but not to the same degree). Most solid state amps are way too bright.Most people wrongly equate this "brightness" with "detail"....and lots of folks wonder why they suffer from listening fatigue.It's the harshness of solid state highs that are giving them the headaches,literally.These cables can tame those highs,with very little loss of (real) detail. That said,the mids are pretty damn fine,and the sound is generally quite open,tho i wouldn't call it tranparent. For that reason,unlike a few other reviewers have said,these are some of the more forgiving I have heard,meaning they are less likely to expose system faults. Tube amp users will most likely find these cables way too soft....very warm and fuzzy(tho not really fuzzy,just soft at both ends). Extreme high-end SS users may not like them either,as thier equipment comes closer to warmer sounding tubes.....but then they wouldn't be shopping in this price range,cuz these are not expensive.They are great value,and rival many of equal price,but have limitations. Used with>>> ASL q1003/vintage Eico ST70 Arcam FMJ Triangle Celius XLO reference Speaker cables Prism lab Speaker cables Blue Circle AC conditioner Racked on granite. Similar Products Used: XLO Ref2(the winner!),Cardas,Audioquest(several models),and a bunch of others too dull to remember. |
[Oct 21, 2003]
- minimum pick-up of noises (good shielding). - severe bending is possible.
- detail is music is completely gone. - depth in music is completely gone. - warm and unimpulsive character of bass - gives a boring sound Directly after purchasing a Rotel pre-amp and power amp, I bought the v.d.Hul The Second interlink to connect the amps. I used them for about 6 months and all the time I was unhappy about my system. First, I thought the Rotels were the reason of my unhappiness, but only recently I became aware that the The Second interlink was the reason. I could not change the interlink in the store where I bought it, but an other store was willing to change it with a v.d. Hull Integration Hybrid (which has the same price). Now, I am happy. I installed another Integration Hybrid interlink between my phono pre-amp and Rotel pre-amp. A siltech remains my favorite to connect my SACD player. Similar Products Used: v.d. Hul Integration Hybrid; Siltech ST18G3 |
[Aug 10, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast
Detail and transparency When I first bought the cable I tried to distinguish the qualities and character that I liked about the cable. Much as I tried, I couldn't pick one and I am no wiser now had I been 3 months ago. |
[Mar 05, 2000]
smooth tonality, very musical
huh? Bought a pair of these used. I don't understand why anyone would ever sell them. What a musical cable! Smooth highs, sweet midrange, very low and well controlled bass, lots of air, wide soundstage and plenty of air around instruments. First cable I've used that does not emphasize any portion of the frequency spectrum. Good transient response, but without that razor's edge, in-your-face crap that some people believe represents real music. Dynamics may be ever so slightly compressed, but more music comes through instead of garbage to make your ears hurt. I use mine between CAL Audio Icon MkII Power Boss CD and Bryston BP-25 preamp, with Aragon 8008BB power amp and B&W 802's. Similar Products Used: Monster, Prisma, Kimber, MIT, Tara |
[Sep 28, 2001]
Evandro Kato
focus, very natural, warm
speed, limited extension in the treble and bass
Similar Products Used: combak CI230, HS101i, Golden Perfomance, Siltech SQ 38, straightwire enconreII |
[Oct 08, 2001]
Volker McDonough
Full of detail and transparency, very good at low levels
not to be shortened After discussing with my friend (owner of the a.m. HiFi Shop), we decided to give it a try, changing all my cables to one manufacturer. As my loudspeaker cables are already vdH Magnum Hybrid, I choosed The Second as (unbalanced) connectors between my tube Pre- and Main Amps. Before this, changing cables to improve sound quality sounded more like voodoo to me but after using The Second, I am really amazed. Similar Products Used: vdH The Source, Sil-Wire |
[Jul 11, 1999]
an Audiophile
Fantastic cable, very revealing. Greatly detailed. Should be avoided on bright systems though. I replaced my Cardas Quadlink 5C with these cables and it was well worth it. Compared to the cardas, the second are more clear and revealing and makes the bass tighter and more defined. Cuts down on the slight exagerated bass of the Cardas. |
[Jul 27, 1999]
an Audiophile
First of all the price above must be Canadian dollars. It can be had for much less. Balanced is more expensive though. |