Cardas Audio Lightning AES/EBU Video/Digital Cables
Cardas Audio Lightning AES/EBU Video/Digital Cables
[Mar 24, 2002]
Audio Enthusiast
SoundStage and bass control/extension. Female vocals.
Still in the breakin period. Left in system running for two days as suggested by Cardas. The first thing I noticed was the tight, full extended bass. More than I expected! Highs are smooth and very detailed. Sound stage is very layered. I''m very impressed by the overall improvement is music, soundstage and authoritive bass. This is the cheapest upgrade I''ve ever done. I would imagine that you would need to have very high end components to run with this cable as it is very revealing! Similar Products Used: Linn Coax cable Other system components I''m running; Audio Research LS9, Sonic Frontiers SFT-1 Transport Classie DAC-1 Krell KSA250 B&W 802 Nautilus Levinson XLR interconnects Linn K20 Speake |