AH! Tjoeb '98 CD Players

AH! Tjoeb '98 CD Players 


Marantz CD38 based machine with FULL tube-section and different other modifications.


Showing 41-50 of 63  
[Jul 29, 1999]
dan schiavo
an Audio Enthusiast


[Aug 01, 1999]
Mike Collins
an Audio Enthusiast

I bought my “Tjoeb ‘99” with an AC noise killer and an extra tube set about six weeks ago from Herman van den Dungen at “DE HIFIWINKEL BV” (great service and very friendly). After listening over the past few weeks I would have to say that for the money this player can’t be beat. You always here terms like “very musical and smooth” and its true, the sound is very spacious and the music seems to have more depth. I also note that I can listen now for a much longer period of time without getting fatigued. I previously had an eight year old Phillips CD player that was custom upgraded by Musical Concepts here in St. Louis that I paid over a $1000 for. Compared to the “Tjoeb ‘99” it sounded somewhat flat and harsh. Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra, Diane Schuur and Buddy Rich never sounded so good.
I’m now on a CD buying binge because I seem to be able to enjoy listening to my stereo again.
So for the price you pay and the quality of the sound, I would definitely give the “Tjoeb ‘99” a rating of five stars.

Equipment used:
Sugden A48III & Boston Acoustics A100

[Aug 07, 1999]
an Audio Enthusiast

I know that the perception of music is psycho acoustic by it's very nature, and therefore becomes very subjective. What I perceive as steak others may see as
hamburger. Your ears are a great gift, use them. Following this review all
equipment and music used will be listed. Length of review was approximately
two weeks, with two, three hour sessions per day. Although other audio
components were used , this review is about the strengths and shortcomings of
the Ah! Tjoeb 99' cd player.

Before the Tjoeb arrived at my door in five business days as stated by Mr. Van
Dungen, nicely double boxed. I spent three weeks listening to four very fine cd
players. Cambridge cd-4se, Rotel 971, Arcam 9 and the Rega Planet. They are
listed in reviewers order of preference. All of which are more costly than the
Tjoeb, however considering street prices, the Cambridge comes in a little

A few notations about my Tjoeb:
It has not exhibited the clicking noise other reviewers have mentioned. It
appears Herman and Frank have rectified this small annoyance.
The Tjoeb is not as lightweight to me, as other reviewers have stated.
The remote is very small, but has a very good axis degree of use. I found
the transport to work smoothly, with no annoying noise. The gold plated
outputs are a nice touch. The build quality of the Marantz 38 is typical
mid-fi. Overall though I was quite pleased with the quality and operating
smoothness of the unit. Afterall In It's basic form it is an entry level player.
My Tjoeb had two options added, the AH! noise killer and a super crystal
replaced the standard Marantz crystal. Vibrapoid Isolators were used
under Tjoeb, Bright Star little rock over. After burn In the unit needs
about a thirty minute warm up for top performance.

From Top To Bottom:
The top end of the Tjoeb is very delicate, with large amounts of finesse.
The highs are always detailed and transparent. Cresendos can become scarry.
Every syllable is clean and clear. No spit, edginess or splash. If I only had
one word to best describe the top end, It would be sparkle as opposed to
dry, recessed, forward, bright, rolled off etc.

Midrange,Oh that glorious midrange:
The upper mids through the highs are detailed, Inviting and liquid. Voices,
I can now hear very minute changes in nuance and expression. The Tjoeb
has an effortless and unfatiguing presentation. There is a realism that makes
you forget you are listening to a cd. Strings are exceptionally smooth. On
timpani's and upper bass you can actually hear the rumbles after
the attack. Piano, one of the hardest instruments to reproduce, has
never sounded better. There is a musical flow to the music that I have
never experienced until now. I found myself constantly tapping my toes,
how do I know this? A couple weeks ago I broke my leg and sometimes the
tapping hurt.

The Bottom:
The bass and lower mids have an Impressive rhythmic drive, that adds more
enjoyment to the music. Even on mundane cds there Is now a quality that
before Tjoeb was missing. The low end has such Impact, Is It live or Is It
Tjoeb. This Is the first player that on my system I could easily enjoy
without a sub. The Tjoeb Is clearly the most dynamic cd player I have ever
heard. Low bass Is tight with abundant bloom. Mid bass slam is to say the
least, most Impressive. Upper bass Is well defined with oddles of oompth.
Maybe the letters In Tjoeb should stand for The Joy Of Every Beat.

Very large with excellent front to rear depth. I am now able to place soloists
and Instruments much more easily. A little eerie at times, depending on
source material. There Is an abundant amount of soundstage air and Inner
detail. The background is now dead quiet.

A Few Notations:
Searching for musical shortcomings In the Tjoeb brought little return.
But the Tjoeb has a few. I found the Tjoeb somewhat Interconnect
sensitive In my enviorment. After trying five or six pairs, I settled on JPS
Ultraconductors. The Transparent and DH Labs were also very nice.
The Superconductors sounded even better. But considering the Inexpensive
price of the Tjoeb, I found that the Ultras were a better match, strictly
from a cost performance factor. The JPS conveyed what the Tjoeb was
capable of, the others to some extent did not. The Transparent were tonally
off in the low end. The DH were a little edgy with somewhat compressed
dynamics. The Kimber And Cardas I used were In a word ok. Also changes
In Interconnects brought about Instantly reconizable changes In sound
character. When listening to vocals, at times the music seemed to overpower
the vocals. Is this a shortcoming or am I now hearing exactly what is on
the recording? And yes I have a JPS bias. The Tjoeb Is not built like a tank.
Afterall It Is a Marantz based CD-38, with all the good stuff neatly tucked
away inside. If It wasn't for a small Tjoeb sticker on rear panel, you would
never know It was a Tjoeb, until you turned It on. Compared to the mega
buck players, the Tjoeb Is on the light side, making It prone to acoustic
resonance. Therefore some sort of cabinet Isolation is recommended. At
times I could hear a boxy quality In the upper mids, switching to the NHT
It disappeared. Since I live In the country, no neighbors, my second session
was usually late at nite. As I was pondering through my notes before
starting to compose this review, I noticed one strange occurence, the Tjoeb
always sounded better during the late session. Just a little more of
everything. I know this may sound strange to some, but It Is a fact.

What I seemed to notice most about listening to the Tjoeb, was the way I
was drawn In to the performance. There Is something very appealing the
way valves recreate air, space and tonal color. Is the Tjoeb the best
sounding cd player? I think not. When compared to the current state of the
art players, the Tjoeb falls short. It lacks the last degree of resolution,air
weight, extension, harmonic richness and that ultimate smoothness. Is the
Tjoeb the best sounding cd player under 2,000.00? maybe. Take from this
review what It Is. Let your ears be the final judge. It Is your money, your
system, and the total enjoyment you receive from your cd player purchase will
be yours alone. As for the other four players, before Tjoeb I could have lived
with any of them and been content. Many times on different recordings I
preferred one over the other. Once the Tjoeb was burned In, I was totally
hooked. Just more dynamic and musical. For around five Ben Franklin's
there Is nothing better on planet Earth Galaxy Five. And with a little
additional tweaking, tubes, Isolators, Interconnects and power cords, maybe
we can make this 38 sound like a big bore magnum. I am totally satisfied with
the present sound of the Tjoeb. As of this writing I believe I am the only one
to review the Tjoeb with the AH! noise killer and Super Crystal installed.

Final Thoughts:
During the better than two weeks of listening, I noticed that I was listening at
lower levels compared to the other players. The great dynamics allow the music
to breathe at lower levels. However on the cd Rainbows, last track, Prisim,
and on a few other selections on other cds, at high volume with sub in.
Herman and Frank might want to consider another option for the Tjoeb,
a diaper. As you may lose control of your bodily functions. The Tjoeb Is
an unqualified success, and I can not Imagine It not making you as happy
as It has me. The Tjoeb just might be my final stop on my pilgrimage to
musical nirvana. It just portrays the music. Like one other reviewer stated,
you better get your Tjoeb fast before the Dutch come to their senses and
price the Tjoeb accordingly. The Tjoeb Is truly for the music lover.

In Closing:
I would like to personally thank Herman and Frank for bringing to this
country such a wonderful music player at such a wonderful price. Like
Beethoven on piano, the Dutch have labored to produce a great sounding,
cost effective cd player. And Indeed did they produce. I will acknowledge
that If a US company put this unit on the market, and after a few cosmetic
changes there would be another digit added to the price. My entire system
Is Home Theater based although 90% of my listening Is analog stereo.
As for the Krell and NHT 2.5i, both great products, however the NHTs
were not my cup of tea. My wife listened for a couple of hours during
one session. Her comments were, everything is cleaner more lively, yet
smooth, more like music. It's as If the Tjoeb adds a little soul to the music.
Anyone stating that the Tjoeb does not sound all that great, should check
a few things. Proper burn in, Isolators, Interconnects, possible bad tube or
tubes, other associated equipment and connections. And maybe a good
quality Q tip would not hurt either.

Parting Comment:
Good things do not come easily. No you cannot run down to your local
dealer and purchase a Tjoeb. Considering what you receive, a couple of
E-mails and a six day wait seem trivial. If you purchase one, then you can
do one of two things. Write me and tell me how much enjoyment you are
receiving from your purchase or write and tell me what a putz I am or
Associated Equipment: * Indicates loaner
Krell KAV 300i* ATI-1505 Sony TA-E9000ES NHT2.5i*
PSB Silvers Bag End Infra Sub Above 4 cd players*
Audiotruth Midnight 3 Double runs Kimber 8TC BI Wire*
Cardas Micro 300B* Kimber Hero* Transparent Music Link Plus*
DH Labs Silver Sonic BL-1* JPS Supers& Ultras
Monster 351 sub Interconnect RPG Room Treatment, Rear Walls
Room 25x17x8 Speakers firing down long wall toward four foot high
brick fireplace and wall.

Music Used:
Famous Blue Raincoat-Jennifer Warnes Chet Baker- Chet
Rainbows-Ron Cooley Daydreams- Ron Cooley
Massenet- Ballet Music Center Stage- Wilson Audiophile
Nojima Plays Ravel The Hunter- Jennifer Warnes
John Tavener- Eternitys Sunrise Duets- Jennifer Warnes
Winds Of War And Peace- Wilson Audiophile
Surfacing- Sarah McLaughlan
Numerous Big Band, Opera, Light Jazz, Pop, Country, Classical, Organ,
New Age, Choir, Hip- Hop, In fact I threw everything at the
Tjoeb I could find even ABBA

[Aug 06, 1999]
James Cebedo
an Audiophile

I got the Tjoeb 99 almost a month ago. I feel that it is time for a review since it has been burned in for more than 50 hours.
The day I got the player, it was so exiting to find out what would it sound like. From the outside, its not much of a player to see. Just a regular single disc cd player. I wasn't expecting too much of it the first day since it wasn't burned in yet. But what a surprise! The first track I played was much smoother than before. Bass became more accurate. 100Hz bass attacks followed with 50 Hz bass lines were much smoother than before, without becoming muddy or too "punchy". Deeper bass seemed to extend lower than my previous cd player.
Midrange was also smoother, I just found out that my previous player had a slight hump in the lower midrange (200Hz-300Hz). The Tjoeb didn't have it, it was silky smooth in the mids. Treble was nice, I like the sound of tubes. It was more refined without getting harsh.

Day after day, I seem to enjoy this player more and more. One of my favorite recordings is Babyface: MTV Unplugged. I love this album. It gave me goosebumps before. And Tjoeb gave me even more goosebumps. The quality of the player over the days improved musically. It became more musical and involving especially with live recordings. Eric Clapton's MTV Unplugged was also better through the Tjoeb. The strings were more natural and accurate. I can also hear subtle nuances more clearly.

I own headphones and use the player for late night listening. The Tjoeb makes a great combination with my Sennheiser 600 headphones. It takes me to audio nirvana and puts me to sleep.

If there is one word to describe this player, It would be SMOOTH. I never heard a player for under $1000 that's smoother than the tjoeb. I heard the California Audio Labs DX2 ($650). It could not even compete with the smooth performance of the Tjoeb. I haven't compared the Tjoeb to players costing more than $1000, but I am quite sure the Tjoeb can put other costlier players to shame.

Bargain hunters, look no further, this is the ultimate CD Player under a Grand.

The rest of my system:

Paradigm Mini Monitor
Harman/Kardon HK 3270
Sennheiser HD 600
CSW Powered sub II (many people hates this sub, but it works fine for me)
Kenwood CD 204 (it's now gone, sold it to my friend)
Small room: 8 feet high (10' X 11') with open closet (10' X 13'7")

Many thanks to Herman and the rest of the Tjoeb staff for the CD player.
Great Job Tjoeb for this awesome product!

[Sep 03, 1999]
James Lane
an Audio Enthusiast

This is an excellent cd player at this price point. Certainly worth the five stars when price is considered. Equally important to me as one must purchase this product from the Netherlands, the customer service is also five stars even at this price point. I am so pleased with both the service and the product.

[Sep 07, 1999]
Richard I. chang
an Audio Enthusiast

Like many other reviews here, I won’t repeat the description of this player’s sound, which is well documented in many of the previous reviews. This report will be focused on the differences between the AH! and the 3 players mentioned below.
I received my AH! player 3 weeks ago (ordered with super crystal, nois killer and extra tubes). The audition started after the player went through continuously running Purist Audio’s break-in CD for 60 hours. The 3 players used for comparison are: NAD 502 (Stereophile Class C, retail price about $250 in 1995), Micromega Stage 3 (The Stage 2 is Stereophile Class B, the Stage 3 has further improvement in the power supply. retail price for Stage 3 was about $1500 in 1996), and Rotel RCD-990 (Stereophile Class B, retail price about $1500 in 1997).

No surprise, the AH! is far superior than the NAD 502 in every respect: smoother and more delicate high; better and more tube-like (naturally!) mid-range; deeper, tighter and more articulate lows; wider and deeper soundstage; more stable imaging; more details in both high and mid range; wider dynamic range (both macro and micro); much more air; quieter background and the sound is more liquid and musical. (by the way: the NAD is a player which has fairly musical and non-fatiguing sound, especially if you consider it’s price).

The Micromega Stage series is well known for their musical sound as well as the skipping problem. Fortunately, the skipping problem of my Stage 3 is not as severe as some reported in this site. By comparison, the AH! has considerable better bass: deeper, tighter and more articulate. The AH! also sound more liquid, musical and has more air. The Micromega is also a musical sounding player, but sounds more mechanical in the A-B comparison (by a noticeable, but not large margin). The AH! is also better in soundstage width (by a small margin) and depth (by a fair margin). The |AH! is also a little better in details and imaging. Overall, the music reproduction from AH! is more lively and I feel that the AH! is more enjoyable to listen to by a fair margin.

The highly regarded Rotel RCD-990 really deserve it’s reputation. I listened to this machine many times in a friend’s home and always enjoyed its musical presentation. With side-by-side comparison, the two players sounds very close to each other in almost every way! Both players have wide and deep soundstage, wide dynamic range, lively and musical sound. The tonal quality is also very closely matched. The more distinct difference (still marginal, but audible) is that the AH! has more extension in both high (more high frequency details) and low (goes a little deeper and tighter), and the Rotel has more mid-range detail (hand drums in a CD appears to be more lively and “floating” in the air). Overall, the musical presentation of these two players are equally enjoyable to my ears. Please note that this comparison is in an absolute term, without considering the price difference. Now, consider that the AH! player, including shipping cost, is about 35% of the Rotel!

I also did the comparison of the music produced by the AH! and my LP playing system, using LPs and CDs produced with the same source. Here I won’t go to details, just overall “feeling” of the listening experience (I enjoy this much better than identifying the sonic difference technically). The LPs are still better: more lively, more “you’re there” feeling, music flows more freely, and there’s less veil between music and me. Of course, it’s an unfair comparison, my LP play back system costs many times more than the AH! player. But the important thing is that in an absolute scale, I can really enjoy music with the AH! player for extended period of time without fatiguing. For the first time in my system, I can listen to music reproduced from CD without the obvious feeling that I’m listening to CD. Not even the Micromega Stage 3 can do that.

Associated equipment during comparison:

With NAD 502:
Preamp: PS audio 5.0 Power amp: Amber Series 70
Speakers: Sound Dynamic 300ti All Interconnects: Cardas Quadlink
Speaker cable: Monster Cable II

With Micromega Stage 3:
Preamp: Audio Research SP-11 Power amp: VTL 100 compact mono blocks
Speakers: KEF 105.2 Interconnect (CD to pre): Cardas Quadlink
Speaker cable: Cardas Hexlink Interconnect (preamp to power amp): Cardas Cross

With Rotel RCD-990:
Preamp: VTL Power amp: VTL tiny Triode
Speaker: Celestion monitor Interconnects: Monster Cable 1000 series
Speaker cable: Monster Cable 1000 series

Turntable setup: Sota Star Saphire / SME V tone arm/ Monster Cable 1000 (boron cantilever moving coil cartridge)

CDs used:
Vanguard: Farewell Angelina; Weaver Reunion (both CD & LP);
Telarc: Ceremonial Music (trumpet & organ); Argo: Vivaldi Four Seasons (Marriner/ASMF, both CD & LP); Mercury: Balalaika Favorites (both CD & LP);
London: Harp Concerti (2CD, played by Marisa Robles); EMI: Gounod Misa St. Cecile
Hungariton: Lute music (both CD & LP)

[Sep 14, 1999]
Chris Garrett
an Audio Enthusiast

Well, it's been roughly eight or nine weeks with the Ah! Tjoeb '99so I feel I might now be able to offer some constructive comments.

First off, the player. This is a '99 model made at the end of June
or thereabouts. My price 'out the door' was $583 and I received an extra
set of Philips Jan. NOS 6922s, the Digital OUT, the AC NoiseKillers, and
the upgraded Crystal semiconductor.

The Bad news: The player gave a 'Sledge Error' upon arrival and did
not read the disc, although the tray opened and the display lit up. I
took the cover off and checked for any loose connections, but found none.
I then conversed with Herman at literally all hours of the evening over the
next week and we were able to narrow it down to a flat tension spring at
the tip of the 'sledge (laser asembly motor) motor's cylinder gear. The
spring had become misaligned by about 1mm and once I flicked it out with
a micro screwdriver's blade, the fun began. I had fixed it and was feeling
like the cock in the henhouse.

The Good News: The player hasn't skipped a beat in nine weeks, but
how does it sound? Since I had a Denon DCD 920 for the past eight years
and since I don't visit High End stores, my reference point is suspect, so
take my brief comments with a grain of salt.

I have (had) the pleasure of comparing this unit with my Cambridge
Audio CD-6, purchased a few weeks before, but since sent back for a
replacement. Both offer clear and unfatiguing upper frequencies. Both
offer substantial and well delineated BASS. Both have your toes tapping.
The Tjoeb, being the bargain basement player from Marantz, is cheaply built.
The CD-6 is boring, but beautifully constructed for a $519 deck. Both had
their functional issues, but the Tjoeb is making engaging music, the CD-6
has been sent to a better place. (I have had the MSB Link DAC and Monarchy
Audio DIP mkII running with both players, but this combo is more suited to
the CD-6 due to it's SS analog output stage.)

After reading other's comments about the Philips Jan. NOS 6922s on the
Audio Asylum Tube board, I began the tube search. I was able to locate
two classic tubes in the 6DJ8 family...a pair of Siemens SQ 7308s and a
1958 pair of Amperex PQ (US) Pinched Waist 6922s. Both sets are labeled
NOS from the seller. Both sets have been installed into my Tjoeb '99.

The first thing I noticed with the Siemens set was a more profound,
yet more distinct BASS. So much so, that I needed to back off on the
GT preamp's volume a bit. I though I heard a more 'forward' midrange
presence and the Highs changed little. I've liked this sound for the past
couple of weeks. I have recently installed the Pinched Waist Amperexes
and am trying to hear their signature. Maybe a bit less BASS along the
lines of the Philips tubes and maybe a lessening of the 'sparkle' in the
Highs. Different, not necessarily better. Either way, one might want
to invest $50-$80 for a good set of Dutch/US Amperexes or German Siemens.

Lately, I've removed the GT preamp and run the Tjoeb directly into
my Belles 150a v.Hot Rod and GT SE40SE tube amp and I'm happy with the
player's clarity and presentation. I'm using Kimber KCAGs in 1.5m lengths
as a conduit. I've swapped in some Kimber Heros and noticed an immediate
roll off of the sparkle in the Highs. I've also had a pair of D. Linn's
Silver Bullet 4.0s in there for a short while, both cables (KCAG) being
made out of pure Fine silver. I have a pair of Nordost Red Dawns that
will be swapped in shortly.

All in all, barring the tension spring, I've been thrilled with the
Tjoeb and for just under $600, I think one would be hard pressed to
find a better and smoother sounding CDP. Face it, the Arcams #8s and up
are over a grand, the Rotel 971 lists for $700, the Rega Planet is $750,
the Jolida tube player is over $600 and some of the better CAL decks are
much more expensive. I spent an extra $25 on both the Digital OUT and the
extra set of tubes, so knock $50 off my $583 and you have a deck for
just over five bills. I'm a happy camper.

I would love to have gotten specific about the nuances of this
player across the sonic spectrum, but I don't have the experience or
the vocabulary to go too much farther into detail, so my modest comments
will have to suffice.

SYSTEM: Golden Tube SE40SE tube amp, Belles 150a v.HR SS amp, GT SEP1 SE
tube preamp, Cambridge Audio CD-6 cdp, Monarchy Audio DIP mkII,
MSB Link DAC, Kimber Heros, KCAGs, Silver Bullet 4.0s, Kimber
D-60 Illuminations digital cables for DAC/DIP, DH Labs T-14
speaker cables, Colin Walker (UK) TT w/Sumiko Blue Point Special,
and a 14 year old pair of Italian ESB 7/08 three way Floors, to be
replaced this week with a pair of Dynaudio Contour 3.0s.

Put a fork in me, I'm done...Chris

[Sep 14, 1999]
Bill Watts
a Casual Listener

Recently bought the Tjoeb, with super crystal and mains killer. I run it with a Marshall valve amp (9200), producing a relatively hefty 100 Watts RMS per channel into Infinity Renaissance 90s. The overall effect is wonderful - the system is used for rock, blues, Jazz and the like and the resulting sound has a limpid tactile quality.

[Oct 02, 1999]
Fernando Lezama
an Audiophile

I waited for almost a month for posting this review, primarely because this design takes that long to fully develop. My prior CDP was a Wadia 23, before a Jadis CDT3, before a Wadia 6, so the benchmarking process was interesting.
To make the review short, I will resume the three major issues at both sides:

1.- Highly musical presentation, can't deny it's tubed heart
2.- Very rich texture and tonality
3.- Price/Performance ratio at its best

1.- Gets into little trouble on highly elaborated musical passages
2.- Not universal, it tends to like more playing strings, voices and wind instruments.
3.- To-be-seen long term reliability

One very importannt aspect to consider is the service attitude from the manufacturer (Thanks Herman!) always willing to be of help and to get the most from the player.

Drop me a line if you want more information on my experience with this CDP, it deserves the highest ranking due to the price. Of course there are better players, but this kind of technological implementatios will make everyone to consider spending so much in audio electronics, leaving the "audiophile syndrome" apart, a highly welcome sucess indeed!.


Naim Nait3 integrated amp
B&W Nautilius 805
Naim speaker cable
VTL de luxe phono preamp
Michel GyroDeck SE Ttable
Rega RB300 arm
Cardas Heart cartridge
Nakamichi Dragon Cassette Deck

[Dec 07, 1999]
Audio Enthusiast


Sounds very good for what it is.


Cheap build, great mids, lousy bass.

People can get really carried away by the hype of this unit.
It's not a 5-star performer in terms of overall performance,
but then how could it be when it's a cheap-o Marantz with a very clever band-aid. I'm not tying to put the Ah! Tjoeb down in any way--for the money it's a very nice product, but lets not go CRAZY about this!!!

My friend Allan, who has been raving about his Tjoeb to me for the past 3 months finally brought it over to my place so that we could compare the performance with my $4500 B.A.T. tube-output single box unit.

To be fair we plugged the units into my old "refernce" preamp, a McIntosh C-22 and powered it with both my new Sunfire and old McIntosh 240. We listened to both Allan's little KEF 102's and my Wilson WATT/puppys.

The poor little Tjoeb did a pretty nice job, but the B.A.T. out performed it in EVERY WAY!!!! Well, I know some of you will say "it should for 10 times the price!"

Well, that's the point, isn't it? I give the Tjoeb 4 stars for value and 2 stars for performance, for an overall rating of 3 stars. Not too shabby at all for a $400 player!!

This is pretty good machine and the guys at Ah! have done some real wizardry to make it sound as good as it does. BUt it is NOT serious audiophile equipment by ANY stretch of the imagination!!!

Similar Products Used:

none, really--I have a B.A.T., I had listening party with my friend Allan's Tjoeb.

Showing 41-50 of 63  

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