Cambridge Audio S700 CD Players
Cambridge Audio S700 CD Players
[Sep 06, 2024]
Physical education teaches students discipline, goal-setting, and perseverance. The challenges faced in physical activities help build resilience and a strong work ethic. Learn more Weakness:
hey good one |
[Nov 19, 2003]
suspended platform, slim line, easy fit. HDCD playback, nice sound
no on/off switch I use the Cambridge S700 in combination with my old and trusted JVC XLZ-1010 (a player that was once recommended by TAS); the D/A converter is MUCH better than the one in the JVC and the sound is lively and open now. I do not care for the always-on mode, so I have installed an on/off switch in the mains line. The HDCD decoding capability is a nice feature. Build quality is ecxellent, and the unit is super-simple to connect with an fibre-optic connection. Question: I have tried the unit with a variety of transports (the digital part of a one-box cd player), I hear no difference. Should I? Similar Products Used: various integrated cd players; it beats them all (so far). |
[Mar 14, 2003]
Joan Linan
Pure sound
slow sound, stage Good stuff. :)) Similar Products Used: Lin, Nad, HK; Accuphase, ... |
[Jan 20, 2002]
Excellent sound quality
None that I can think of I use the S700 Isomagic DAC with a Yamaha CDX-493 CD player. I was going to replace the latter altogether (see my none-too-glowing review of it!), but with the S700 being so inexpensive it seemed worth a try. I was not disappointed: the sound is detailed and musical, with outstanding imaging and atmosphere. As soon as I made the change I realised just how much the Yamaha had been failing to resolve. I suspect that this S700 DAC/budget CD player combination sounds as good as a CD player costing much much more. |
[Nov 01, 1999]
Russ Tebay
Audio Enthusiast
Strength: New digital iso platform and converter |
[Sep 23, 1999]
Alex M
??? Anybody tried this item ??? |