Harman Kardon TL 8500 CD Players
Harman Kardon TL 8500 CD Players
[Aug 13, 1997]
an Audio Enthusiast
I bought this CD player after listening to others like Cambridge Audio. The CA's sound was a little too moellow for my taste. The H/K sounded great. Plus, it was retailing at 680$ CDN and I got it on sale for 350$ WOW! The ergonomics are a little quirky and the 'random' function is a little confusing to use, but the sound more than alleviates these minor concerns. And the top loading system is simple and straightforward: while a CD is playing, just pop the top open and change the CD's (it's a caroussel) If you can find the same deal (or close), by all means, jump on it! |
[May 29, 1999]
Matt Stoan
an Audio Enthusiast
I bought this unit for $200 clearance. I loved its looks; that's really all it had going for it. It didn't sound bad, and probably better than most changers of its day; however, a good $500 single play (the units retail cost) will beat it hands down. Furthermore, my unit was extremely unreliable. It would sporadically read discs. I had it repaired a total of three times and it still ended up sucking. Finally, the locking mechanism broke on it and I will not have it repaired. Some people may have had no problems with it, but my unit flat out sucked beyond any description. The sound was ok for the money, but its not high end. I give it a five speaker on looks, a three speaker on sound, and a one speaker for reliability. |