McCormack UDP-1 CD Players
McCormack UDP-1 CD Players
[Oct 30, 2005]
Clarity, soundstage, ease of listening, bass, vocal depth, solidity of build (like a tank), great looking.
Looses a bit of air to tubed units, but has much more of a tubed, than solid state, feel to the sound. This UDP-1 came to me virtually brand new. The sound is between tube and solid state. The portrayal of images, space,a nd easxe are the best I ahve ever heard in my sytem. THe UDP-1 sets a wide and deep soundstage, with each voice or instrument precisely (but not artificially) set out in the recording space. I have never felt so relaxed or invited while listening to digital. Ii miss a bit of air that I give up from my ModWright tubed Philips SA1000, but the McCormack does absolute magic with CD's and HiRez discs! Similar Products Used: Mark Levinson #37 and #360s, Sony SCD-1, AudioMeca Mephisto II, Muse integrated universal player |