NAD C520 CD Players
NAD C520 CD Players
[Feb 11, 2002]
Audio Enthusiast
Great Value, great aesthetics.
Just like the 520, the C521 doesn''t display time left for single tracks. I''m in the middle of upgrading my home setup and needed a good CD player with value in mind. After reading the reviews on the NAD 520 and testing out the new C521 at a local dealer, I went for the NAD C521. Based on the previous reviews I can tell you that the loading tray problem is now solved. The new tray feels and sounds very sturdy. I''ve played original copies, CD-R''s and scratched CDs with no problem at all. If you''re looking for a great value player, then look no further than this british machine. At the moment, my setup includes: ADCOM GFP-555 preamp Audiosource Amp Two (80wpc) NAD C521 Paradigm Titans Older Kyocera CD player AIWA tape deck Similar Products Used: Old Kyocera Player |
[Mar 21, 2000]
Sivam Rajagopal
Audio Enthusiast
Good sound detail, stereo imaging on par with models costing almost twice the price
Lack of program function and well a flimsy looking CD tray(not that this detracts from itsfantastic sound production) Well after having a Sony M-33 for 7years, i upgraded to the AMC CD6 in June 99. No complaints there though, the CD6 blew away the Sony when it came to sound staging and detail of reproduction.On March 00, the NAD C520 was advertised in the local newspapers. I was awaiting this model with anticipation due to the rave reviews in the audio media. Similar Products Used: AMC CD6, Sony CDP-M33 |
[Jul 13, 2000]
Lars Vargstrand
Audio Enthusiast
Treble very clear, yet soft; can't get tiresome.
Transport feels flimsy. It's a bargain! I've been using CD players since the 80:s ending, and this player just shows how a digital player should sound; it just crushed the Philips 8xx I had before in overall sound quality. |
[Mar 30, 2000]
Brand name, simplicity
amplifier after the D/A converter I bought this thinking that I would upgrade my CD player on my 2-channel music system (also have separate home theater system). Within 10 or 20 minutes of listening I was very disappointed with the sound compared to my 2-year-old Denon DCM-360. I have now learned that it is not just the D/A conversion (here they use Burr Brown's) that matters, but also the analog circuit downstream from the D/A's. I found that the C520 had slower transient response, especially in the mid and upper bass (drums and percussion was fuzzy) but human voices sounded very, very good. In summary, I packed the unit up and returned it to the dealer. I ended up re-installing my beautifully sounding Denon and buying a cheaper Sony player with digital output for my home theater system. I am told that the NAD 550 sounds better but I have no more patience with this. I own several other NAD products (receiver and amps) and I am happy with them. I just plan to stay away from their CD players. Similar Products Used: Denon DCM-360 |
[Jun 05, 2000]
Manfred Mejias
Audio Enthusiast
Good Sound
I have problems with the cd door, it closes by itself. I think that product is great. I have NAD amp C320 and superone NHT with my NAD C520. I get an excellent sound. But, I have one problem: the cd door closes by itself. I have to push the open button several times until it opens completely. Similar Products Used: Sony |
[Aug 02, 2001]
Audio Enthusiast
Value for money. Detail & neutral sound
Precarious looking tray; treble occationally harsh, but not really an issue. Quite frankly, if this is your budget for a CD player, get the NAD C521. Overall the sound is neutral, crisp and detailed. I wouldn't recommend it for a bright system, as the treble can be, occationally, on the sharp side, but that's not to accuse this CDP of 'brightness'. In general I find the sound to be well balanced. Jazz sounds great, the dynamics of orchestral music are good, the midrange is well presented, and basslines are full and reasonably well defined. Similar Products Used: Lo-fi Pioneer changer |
[Aug 20, 2001]
Audio Enthusiast
detail, especially midrange price
as noted many times - flimsy tray The build is absolutely atrocious. I would never let anyone under 25 touch the damn thing. Definately do not want it if your current abode is a dorm room. Although it has not been tempermental with bad discs or skipping problems as others have experienced. The sound on the other hand is quite respectable. It is very detailed and that is a definate attribute in the midrange. The treble can be a smidgen irritating, especially on poor recordings. In heavy side by side comparisons with the Cambridge entry level player (D300) the NAD won with male vocals and the Cambridge with female. Since this model has been replaced (521) I doubt many are inclined to read this review but I believe the new 521 is pretty much the same but purportedly has a more robust transport. By the way, if any of your friends insist the CD players are all the same, do a side by side with an early CD player and any decent current piece playing the shrill Garth Brooks, "Beaches of Cheyene". If they can say that terms such as bright are riduculous after this, they must have been working at the mill too long w/o earplugs. Similar Products Used: old Yamaha, Rotel, Cambridge Audio |
[Oct 11, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast
Sound, build, simplicity, sound, price, features, sound
CD tray seems a little fragile I purchased the C520 after my 6 yr old Sony crapped out on me. I read the reviews in WhatHiFi magazine and then on this board and I decided to go for it. Thank God I did! This thing is amazing. Like some others I was worried at first, some recordings sounded grainy, ,especially complex ones. I had recently replaced my Aiwa Pro-Logic receiver with a Sony STR-DB830 DD & DTS receiver. This receiver's no slouch, especially for HT users on a budget, but after talking to others with this model and the 930, and seeing reviews in mags, I pointed the blame for the grainy sound on the receiver. It's just not as musical as it should be. So I ended up getting an NAD C340 Amp sooner than I had planned to and hooked the C520 up to it. What a difference! This combo produced potent results with whatever I threw at it. Jeff is spot on, it is a VERY revealing CD player when partnered with equally revealing speakers. It will reveal flawed recordings and present them as just that. It will reveal flaws in components, but it will also reveal aspects of recordings you probably haven't heard before, even though you've listened to the track a thousand times. Similar Products Used: Sony 5 disc changer |
[Oct 10, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast
No nonsense, no excuses, natural sounding near-audiophile quality CD player. Not for everyone - but perfect for many.
See above. This is an excellent CD player - especially considering the price. Unbelievable price for what you get... no way you could get this quality in anything else in this range. Is it an Arcom 7SE? No. C540? Close. Sony? Thank God, no. Similar Products Used: Sony ES Changer, Arcom 7SE, NAD C540, a few DVD players |
[Jul 29, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast
Terrible Highs Unlike most people here, I had a terrible experience with this CD player, and I mean sonically. I had a system consisting of a Harman/Kardon FL8300 CD changer, NAD C340 integrated amplifier, PSB Image 4T speakers and Audioquest cables and interconnect. The H/K changer died on me, and I began a search for a new CD player. Similar Products Used: Harman/Kardon FL8300, Cambridge Audio D500, old Denon model |