ROTEL RCD-965BX CD Players
ROTEL RCD-965BX CD Players
[Oct 24, 1999]
Tom Klemenc
Audio Enthusiast
I have this CD for 8 years now. I am very pleased with my decision back in 1991 to by this ROTEL perfect player. |
[Jan 22, 2001]
Frank Mc
Audio Enthusiast
It just sounds right It just sounds right. It sounds real. It just provides the ability for me to hear live music at home. Not a major geek in component build quality, just know how the music sounds live, and how the Rotel sounds. Pretty close. And spectculary involving. Similar Products Used: None |
[Dec 11, 1999]
Musicality, detail retrieval. Value for money. This player is suprisingly good.It's dynamic,detailed and Similar Products Used: Soneteer Byron. |
[Aug 04, 2000]
Mike .
Depth,clarity,build quality.
None Ive had this player for around 6-7 years now and it still pleases me with its quality of sound.I just cant knock it in any negative way.I think today that I still would have to spend a $1000(canadian) in order to get a better sounding CD player.I salute Rotel for making a "Legend in CD players that will live on!! Similar Products Used: Dennon,sony |