MSB Technology Link DAC DACs
MSB Technology Link DAC DACs
[Apr 13, 1999]
an Audio Enthusiast
I have had my Link DAC for about two months, and can't rave enough about it. Perhaps I had more to gain, as I use a HK FL8300 CD changer and Panasonic A110 DVD player -- both about $300 machines -- but I was absolutely blown away by the improvements clarity, soundstage, imaging and tone. I did the ABABAB ad nauseum, but couldn't stand to go back. (I can't disagree more with an earlier "audiophile" who said his FL8300 had a better DAC -- pure madness, I say...) Two particular things made me happy: first, my bass sounded a lot more full and realistic; second, my system lost a lot of brightness that was harsh at high levels. |
[Jul 27, 2000]
Mike Roth
easy set, well constructed & fantastic sound
manual & instructions of upgradability I expected an improvement in sound, but this was an understatement. This MSB Link DAC III is a steal for the money. There are details that I hear that weren't there before. Bass is very well controlled and upper end sound controlled and layered with a very much improved soundstage. Similar Products Used: none |
[Apr 02, 1999]
an Audio Enthusiast
On a whim I ordered one of these guys about 2 weeks ago for my DVD player. After reading numerous reviews I thought, what the hell, it is only $350 let me see how it sounds. Well I must say that I am so glad that I went out on a limb and ordered this DAC without auditioning it before-hand. I must admit that I was very sceptical about its performance relative to the reviews that it has received, but it sounds Unbelievable even through my Sony DVSP-7700 (DVD). I had no intention of using this combo to play audio, again, I bought it strictly for DVD, but after extensive listening, I can find no reason to spend another $2500 on a CDP. I have listened to the Naim 3.5, Classe .5, YBA unit (forgotten which one), Arcam 8SE and 9, and numerous others. The bottom line is that I would have never thought that this combo could compete, much less beat any of the CDPs that I have listened to, but believe it or not, it does. I must admit that I have contracted some audiophile snobbery in the past couple of years, and although I am somewhat loathe to admit it, this cheap combo, and particularly this DAC, is the real deal. Even if you are ready and willing to lay down considerably more money, like I was, you owe it to yourself to give it a try. If you do not like it, you can sell it for $300 on this website, and you are only out $50. |
[Apr 02, 1999]
an Audio Enthusiast
I do not yet consider myself an audiophile, but I've listened to music all of my life and am in the process of building a decent class "B" system. I just had to add to the raves this component has received. It has without question vastly improved the sound of my system. I was initially skeptical that any $350 component would make any noticeable difference in my setup; in fact I insisted on a money back guarantee from my dealer which he cheerfully gave...boy was I wrong! The Link made my system sound the way I thought a class "B" should sound! The highs were smoother with less grain and etch, the dynamics increased and the bass...whew!!! I was blown away! |
[Dec 04, 1999]
Gary Tang
Details,Well-defined sound stage,Balance sound , cheap
None My exist system are Pioneer DVS-9 DVD, MSB Link DAC , Bryston BP25 preamp, Bryston 4B-ST, ATC SCM20T speaker. Similar Products Used: The Parts Connection -Assemblage 2.6 |
[Mar 29, 1999]
Chris Wynn
an Audiophile
More on the MSB Link DAC...It is far more than just a panacea for digital-itis. Listening this past weekend, I noticed the way that the Link DAC opened up the soundstage with each and every piece that I listened to. Instruments acquired a palpability and solidity. It was as if I were hearing the real thing. The difference between the sound of the Link DAC and ordinary CD was like the difference between a photograph and a cartoon. All the elements, the ingrediants, the colors, are the same, but the resulting images do not withstand comparison. In contrast to the sound of the MSB Link DAC, CD has always in the past had a color by numbers type of presentation. Instead of sounding realistic, CD sounds like it's internal micro-processor reads digital information and assigns an apporoximate value, a crude representation of an analog wave-form. To my ears, the micro-processor is unable to convincingly mimic the waveform. The resulting sound is brighter, simpler, and cruder, with tonal coloration that is slightly off. To me this is the characteristic sound of CD. I do not know how the MSB Link DAC achieves an improvement using standard 16-bit sources like CD, but it does. Instruments sound much closer to real instruments than digital approximations. For example, horns sound metallic and naturally clipped through the Link DAC. Through standard CD, that same sound is brighter, less indentifiably metallic, and lacking in the characteristic damping of the instrument. Stringed instruments sound more authentic as well. The MSB Link DAC is better able to recreate the resonance of the bow and the resonance of the wood structure of stringed instruments. Standard CD sounds harsher and cruder. The Link DAC sounds altogether more defined, relaxed, and natural. |
[Mar 29, 1999]
an Audiophile
I have to agree with the previous posting-- the Link DAC is very smooth, "tubular" and analogue-like. Although I have not tried the MF X-10, I really think it would be over-kill to my ears and system. I found the Keller Quartet "Art of Fugue" recording unlistenable on the MF X-ACT driven by my Arcam Alpha one as transport-- the violins were like nails on a blackboard. The Link seems to have solved that problem, although I am also using the Van den Hul DB 102 interconnect, which is quite lush-- sometimes I wonder if it is too lush. |
[Mar 26, 1999]
an Audio Enthusiast
I bought a used (!) MSB Link DAC from somebody who just flipped for the Gold version. I paid CAN $500 for it which is a fair price I guess considering the fact that the exchange rate is 1.50 :-(( |
[Mar 31, 1999]
an Audio Enthusiast
listened to the link dac a few months ago and was really impressed. made a decision this week to purchase one, here is the problem. the whole world is out of stock. msb has not even returned my e-mail i sent last sunday. yesterday i talked to a dealer who carries the link, he states dealers will start receiving shipments after easter. he further stated that why msb is out of stock is because the new shipments will be UPDATED VERSION OF LINK, MEANING A FEW CHANGES INTERNALLY. CAN'T WAIT TO GET ONE. if anyone knows anything about the changes please post. thank you for all the very useful reveiws. |
[Mar 25, 1999]
Chris Wynn
an Audiophile
The MSB Link DAC, a 96/24 compatible digital to analog converter containing a 24 bit chipset, is priced inexpensively at $350.00. I have had the MSB Link DAC for only two weeks now, but I have much to say about it. |