Musical Fidelity X-CANV3 Headphone Amplifiers
Musical Fidelity X-CANV3 Headphone Amplifiers
[Jul 06, 2023]
What can I say. This headphone amp with the matching power supply is an absolute dream. Quite revealing and yet sweet sounding goodness needs to be experienced to put it in context. Picked it up on Ebay at least a dozen or so years ago. Had it serviced a bit after I got it and no problems ever. Well built and a great value, nothing else at it's price range can touch it. Use it to drive the Sennheiser HD 650 AKG 701 Hifiman 400i. Denon dvd 3930ci and the Oppo 203. Denon sound combo truly blew me away Weakness:
Not available new. Needs the power supply |
[May 13, 2008]
Audio Enthusiast
Excellent with low impedence phones... like Grados, or Denons.
Terrible with high impedence phones... like Sennheisers.
Forget any biased reviews below.
Customer Service N/A Similar Products Used: MF X-CAN v8 - avoid this one.
[May 23, 2007]
warm and lush sound (with replaced tubes).
Bass, dynamics, speed, low level details. . After using it 1 month, i replaced the very cheap stock tubes with Amperex Bugle Boy. A whole world of difference. The amp's warm and lush sound gives me a lot of delight, but it is weak in the bass, speed and dynamics, and low level detail. I feel these weaknesses especially with my ultimatae headphones -Grado GS1000. These headphones need a much much better amp. In 450 $ it's not cheap, but if you open the box, you'll find a very cheap parts. I expect for more for my money - look for example at those Chinese companies, what they give you for that kind of money, and you'll understand my point. By the way. the name of the maker is Musical Fidelity. Well, let's say it is a Mid Fidelity product. |
[Feb 21, 2007]
Bass, Non-Etched Detail, Wonderful no matter what your favorite genre.
Just a little more power. If you own HD 650's this is the headphone amp for you. I was wondering what the fuss was about the 650's compared to my Stax Headphones and amp. Now I know in spades, sweet, terrific bass, detailed but not fatiguing. It blows away the Headroom products I had been using (and the B&K S20's headphone jack).
Similar Products Used: Stax, HeadRoom |
[Nov 02, 2006]
Volume Control
None Well i have been waiting a few years to get a V3 i have owned aV2 for years and loved it .However getting it home and plugging it in i noticed straight away that this version is far better than the V2 .The soundstage is much bigger and bass is great ,the look of the unit is great too ,the volume control (Alps im told) so accurate and smooth .All in all MF have done it again ....Great!!!! (and its not even burnt in) Similar Products Used: X Can V2 |
[Sep 03, 2006]
Bags of detail
bulky power supply This is a truly great little product, simply perfect for powering good quality headphones. I totally believe that no matter what style of music you listen to, this amp can make it sound wonderful.
Similar Products Used: Rega Ear |
[Aug 23, 2006]
Just super high quality!
None! Bought this X-CanV3 off of a headphone forum used. Moved up from a Creek 11se.
Customer Service Top notch! MF is one of the best. Similar Products Used: Creek 11 & 11se |
[Aug 19, 2006]
Audio Enthusiast
So far, none I've used my X-CANV3 for 6month and I am completely in love with it. I listen to a wide variety of music and I'm satisfied with this.
Similar Products Used: X-Cans, X-CanV2 |
[Dec 28, 2005]
Audio Enthusiast
Transparent and powerful sound. Sweet and coherent.
None This headphone amplifier reminds closely the sound of Electrocompaniet amplifiers. It have a sweet and very delicate sound, but also powerful with excellent bass and highs. It matches perfectly Sennheiser HD 650, 600 or 580. |
[May 04, 2005]
Audio Enthusiast
One component that I see no need to upgrade. Midrange.
No remote...don't mind with vinyl...upsets me more with CD. This is quite possibly the only Headphone amp you will need if you are listening for the sake of musical pleasure. I use Sennheiser HD650's, Grado 125's and Etymonic 4s headphones. For comparison (since this is the only way of categorizing me!) I have owned and or listened extensively with Headroom's Total Bithead (own...used for travel) and Audiolab 8000a (own...use for phono stage). Besides the aforementioned the majority of my listening is with Spendor S5e/Sub 3 speakers with Audiolab integrated (soon to be replaced). I'm writing due to the fact that there are too few reviews written here and hopefully I can add something to your search. My setup is the HD650's (Equinox cable coming soon) with Arcam CD73t and Rega P3 and Goldring 1006 (also to be replaced due to my new found love for vinyl) as sources. The MF is relatively small and very source in and a tape out. The volume knob works smooth and gives off an overall sense of quality. Power is rated at 1 watt which requires 1/4 to 3/8 turn for CD listening and 1/2 to 5/8 for phono. Let's get into perspective...for 399 (it's becoming available used for 250 to 300) we are dealing with Creek, Cmoy, perhaps Ray Samuel and a few niche brands. I'm assuming the next level would be Sugden's Headmaster, Grace Design's 901, McCormack and the like...needless to say I'm in the low range price bracket when it comes to amplifying my headphones (despite the fact that I listen for 2+ hours a night). The sound is fantastic!!! The sound is not extremely detailed but not limiting to the point of needing more. Bass extension is good with the Senn's and the highes are nicely rolled off...not super accurate as a more expensive amp might provide, but good enough to reveal more detail than any speaker I can afford. The midrange is where this amp lives...providing a smooth, effortless presentation that is neither fatiguing nor tiresome. Let's face it headphones are not about soundstage (unless compairing to other headphones) so the bottom line is whether or not you prefer a balanced, easily listenable presentation (ala MF) to what I would consider a detail oriented amp. This amp is all about enjoyment (mind you with more detail than my Spendor's supply...until I upgrade that darn Audiolab!?!). It has enough grip to present my music collection with fresh newness, however I could easily believe there is more to be had. But the midrange is so engaging that I can't help smiling from ear to ear. Good, Bad and down right Ugly recordings become listenable and enjoyable. At the end of the day (when most headphone listening occurs in my house) its the amp that lets me forget all the arguments around rolled off highs and bottom end authority. Instead I look forward to relaxing with whatever music fits my whim in the moment...cause I rely on the fact that the MF will deliver it in an enjoyable way! Similar Products Used: Headroom Total Bithead, Audiolab 8000a |