Sony DVP-C650D DVD Players
Sony DVP-C650D DVD Players
[Nov 14, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast
Good solid DVD player
Big, needed a custom built cabinet This post is mainly for Mr. Ziering who gave this such a bad review. First of all, it doesn't say it will play CD-R, and second, why must you put such a bad review on a product just because is doesn't do what YOU think it should do. In none of the literature, does it mention that it will play CD-R or CD-RW. Not only that, you make the same "bad" review for the 670D and the 550D. Was this an attempt to bring down the overall high review of this player. Or did you purchase all three of these DVD players at the same time and daisy-chain them to your TV? Similar Products Used: Pioneer, Toshiba |
[Dec 06, 2000]
steve reidell
Audio Enthusiast
This player gives you clean video and audio with all the bells and whistles.
None I have found. For what I paid for this unit I cannot say a negative thing about it. For the morons who can't read (the manual tells you it won't play CDRs) too bad - better you attend local community college refresher courses in reading! The audio section is clean and dynamic. The video is stunning and rivals (if not beats) my Toshibas. It is a complete package. As to 24bit/96kHz playback, it is my understanding that all surround recordings are based on this format - as to strickly audio discs I am not sure how it handles these. I personally have this capabilty in my home recording studio through a Ramsa DA7 digital mixer which records in 5.1 surround so as soon as I add the 24/96 interface I'll let you know. Now here's a surprise: if you record on CD-RWs you CAN play them back on this unit (as well as many other Sony units!) So spend a couple of more cents on your media and quit crying like babies! Similar Products Used: Toshiba DVD players (2) |