Toshiba SD1700 DVD Players
Toshiba SD1700 DVD Players
[Feb 24, 2003]
Mike Grassi
Casual Listener
Good video and sound when it doesn't act up. Worked great for a few weeks. Then during movies the unit would not read correctly....sound would skip and colored artifacts would show up on the screen..eventually movie would totally stop. Seemed to go away if I powered the unit down for an hour or two. I was about to take it back but a lightening strike fried it. I gave Toshiba one more chance and bought the SD 2800 as a replacement. I have had the 2800 for 5 months or so now. So far so good. The 1700 is pure junk. |
[Jan 28, 2003]
Casual Listener
Basic, simple to use introductory DVD player.
Obviously, reliability due to inferior parts. Sounds like a case of planned obsolescence unless you're a little techy inclined. We purchased the SD1700 13 months ago. It worked well up until we watched "Signs" the other night. In the middle of scene 15-the invasion.... NO SOUND! aarrgghh! Tried other DVDs to no avail. Luckily our PC has a DVD drive. But thanks to this site/posters and the C927 & C928 capacitor replacement suggestions, our Toshiba SD1700 is up and running again (but for how long this time?). $2 spent at Radio Shack and about 30 minutes to install was all it took. Thanks again! |
[Jan 25, 2003]
Casual Listener
Does not matter.
Sound goes out. My sister got an SD-1700 DVD player for Christmas last year. She rarely used it. The sound became barely audible. She took it to Midwest Stereo where they charged her $75.00 for the repair which they attributed to a "possible power surge" even though it was on a surge protector. Well, we went to watch a DVD last night and and within a minute the sound went almost completely out. For the second time, we spent the evening trying to figure out what WE were doing wrong. Today, I found this sight. Thanks to these reviews, she now knows that any additional investments are probably a waste of money. I also went to the Toshiba site to no avail. There will not be any more Toshiba purchases in my family. Plain and simple. There are far too many other brands to choose from. |
[Jan 23, 2003]
Chris Thornhill
Casual Listener
NO SOUND IS HARD TO ENJOY MOVIE !! Just after warranty ran out, the sound and front display went out. Funny thing after very little use. DO NOT BUY THIS SD-1700 ----JUNK !!! |
[Jan 09, 2003]
Casual Listener
break-down prone I have used the SD 1700 for about 1 year. The sound suddenly went out one day. I found this review site and read about the C927 and C928 capacitors. So, went to Radio Shack and bought the suggested replacements(part 272-1028)and put them in. Now it works!! Thanks for whoever found out about the C927 and C928. I would not have known what to do. But, if you can use a soldering iron, you can fix it yourself in about 1 hour. |
[Jan 04, 2003]
Kelly Kersten
Casual Listener
Simple to use until it invariably croaks. The sound problem is widespread and so there are plenty of repair forums and reviews to asid in finding the problem without paying someone multiple times to fix same problem. I agree with another review which stated that Toshiba should have rrecalled it.
Sound goes out frequently. Few repair stores appear to work on them. Got Toshiba SD-1700 DVD player for parents for Christmas a couple years ago. After 3 usages the sound went out. Parents sent it to get fixed (under warranty) which took two plus months as the CERTIFIED TOSHBIA repair guy didn't have the repair manual on hand and had to order it. Got it back and 10 usages later the sound went out again. Toshiba seems to be tight lipped about who works on the machines as we checked a couple repair facilities (past warranty) and they said they couldn't get the manuals. |
[Jan 04, 2003]
Audio Enthusiast
Cheap - worked good before the problems.
Audio blow out, and fuse blow out extremely common with this unit. Big gamble if you buy this. After about a month of using the SD-1700, the sound stopped working. Took about 2 months to have it fixed by the local service center. Then, about 2 months later, the power would not go on. I replaced the fuse inside, but it keeps blowing. I see many others have the same problems with this unit. It is past my warranty period, however, I will call Toshiba to see if they will honor the repair costs, or, at least send me the power board to replace. Similar Products Used: Sony DVD |
[Dec 26, 2002]
Scott Hagar
Casual Listener
poor quality, lack of customer care I purchased this SD1700 for my father and he used it one time before loosing the sound. just like everyone else. The worse thing isnt being screwed by faulty equipment it is the lack of response and product recall by toshiba. |
[Dec 24, 2002]
Casual Listener
Good Picture, THATS IT!!
Everything, whole unit and audio!! Toshiba products suck!! ESPECIALLY THE SD-1700U DVD player!! We bought 3 SD-1700 DVD's for XMAS last year and only one is still known working. I say this because the person who has it don't use it much. The first one we hooked up was my grandfathers and it blew within 5 mintues after being hooked up!! Had nothing, no video or audio. Went just like that!! Ours we only played about 20 DVD's in it and lost its sound. Going to try replacing the C927 and C928 caps. I think Toshiba should have a optional recall on this product myself!! Similar Products Used: Go with GE, GE works the best!! ALSO don't buy any PEICE OF GARBAGE thats under $200.00 Dollars, unless you trust the brand name!! |
[Dec 15, 2002]
Audio Enthusiast
Standard Stuff
Garbage!! Ultra cheap electronics What ever you do, do not buy a Toshiba SD-1700..They are garbage!! I have purchased three of them within the year and all three have shorted out. You can't get them fixed. Stay away from any entry level DVD player, costing $100.00. They are disposable and you are wasting your money and time. Similar Products Used: Sony,Panasonic,Onkyo Onkyo has the best DVD players going... |