Denon D-A03 Mini Systems
Denon D-A03 Mini Systems
[Apr 06, 2003]
CG Prado
Audio Enthusiast
Good sound at medium to high volume
Power-supply hum; noisy CD player I'm posting this review as a "heads up" to Denon. The attractive and compact AO3 "personal" stereo system is seriously spoiled for anyone with good hearing by both a power-supply hum that persists even when the unit is on stand-by, and by a noisy CD player that emits a high pitched whistle. I listen to music at low volume, and the AO3 is in my study, and I several time have turned it off because of the irritating hum and noise. I have seen other reviews of Denon equipment on Audioreview that mention hum. I also had a DRA 375 receiver (if I've got the model right) that I got rid of because of power-supply hum. I realize that for many people who listen to rock at loud volume, power-supply hum isn't a problem, but for others like myself, I strongly recommend looking elsewhere, especially for equipment to be used in small rooms. Similar Products Used: Yamaha 150 mini-system--no hum, no noise. |