JWIN JXCD4500 Mini Systems
JWIN JXCD4500 Mini Systems
[Mar 17, 2004]
Audio Enthusiast
The remote control is slim and easy to use. And most definitely the sound. It is simply impressive taking under consideration that it is a low cost small system. It came to my attention that it had a crisper, cleaner sound when compared with similar (but more expensive) Sony, RCA, JVC and Panasonic systems.
Only one CD. Not a large memory for AM/FM stations, and one very definite weakness: It only has output plugs for its two speakers, you can not connect anything else to this system, nor connect it to a TV, DVD or PC. The overall look of this system was amazing, justa as I wanted it. Blue lighted crystal display, small wood speakers (beautiful in tone and color) and a very compact design, perfect for times when you only need sound without an impressive display of lights and screens, typical of the large audio systems. |