Panasonic SC PM88 Mini Systems
Panasonic SC PM88 Mini Systems
[Dec 27, 2001]
Audio Enthusiast
Reasonable price, ultra compact & not too flashy, left & right speakers are mini monitors - so great for music. Easy to use with lots of features. Dedicated sub connection in back.
Power could be an issue for large rooms. I have been using this system for just under a year in my family room as a second system. The family room has a fireplace with built in wall unit surrounding it so not a lot of room for big tv ( I have the 24" sony vega in wall unit ) or stereo. This unit takes up to no space - shoe box sized. The family room is not that large but it opens to a raised kitchen and two hallways so there is a lot of space for the speakers to fill. I find I have to turn the volume quite loud when playing dvd's to really hear all the dialogue (even with the dialogue enhancer turned on). I bet this wouldn't be a problem if the room was more closed like a bedroom or den. However, even with the volume quite loud it never distorts or sounds harsh. I don't have a dedicated sub hooked up to it so I imagine this would help with the highs as well, if the amp didn't have to power the bass. Even without the sub it goes pretty low with the subs built into the sides of the main speakers. The main speakers on this unit are much better than what you will find on most mini sytems out there that play dvd's. This system sounds way better than my fathers sony av300 dream system that he payed $300 more for and he has his system in a much smaller room! This sytem sounds pretty damn good for music too. I don't really have to crank it when I just play music on stereo - it's seems to have lots more power in stereo mode. Similar Products Used: Sony av300 |