Sharp CD BA300 Mini Systems
Sharp CD BA300 Mini Systems
[Feb 06, 2002]
Audio Enthusiast
Nice bass. The walls and floors definitly thump and the subs really move. The 250W''s pretty nice for the price considering other Sony''s or Panasonics of equal or greater price have 240W.
The CD changing is a bit slow for a three disc changer. Also, the top is not see-thru so you always forget what CD''s are in the player. Only 6 bland equalizer presets, very few compared to similar Sony''s. This system''s pretty sweet. I bought this to replace an Aiwa 3 disc CD changer that promptly refused to read any more CD''s right after the warranty on it expired :( Similar Products Used: Aiwa SX-NA10 from Sam''s club ---> BIG mistake. |