Monster Cable PowerCenter THS 5000 Power Conditioners

Monster Cable PowerCenter THS 5000 Power Conditioners 


2 unswitched front panel convenience outlets. 10 outlets capable of being programmed as unswitched, switched, or switched with delay. $100,000 connected equipment protection and limited lifetime warranty.


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[Jun 19, 2000]
John Dooley

I see that some don't believe me when I wrote about how this product cut off power to my Pre-Amp, when I turned on my Amp. Now that I have had the replacement unit of this product for over 2 months I can make a more better review.
Before I bought this product I believe I had the Monster cable 2000HTS with 8 plugs. I never had any problems with this product, and it never turned off my Pre-Amp when I turned on the Amp. I have even upgraded from an old fuse box to a current brecker with my 1930's house, grounded the lines, and replaced the 2 plug with 3 plug outlets before I bought the Monster Cable 5000. Only when I bought the first Monster Cable 5000, and believe me it was strange, did I ran into problems. Even when I went back to the Good Guys, they questioned me about it, and one guy said that I may of had a fautly unit. Just my luck. With the 2nd unit, it has not turned off my Pre-Amp while turning on the Amp, but I have notice that during the evening hours, the Volt gauge reads 105 volts, but reads 115 to 120 during the morning. Therefore the only thing I can think of is that I had a bad unit and at night when the power is low in my neighborhood (could this be due to the street lights and air-conditioners ?), I could not play my stereo system. But why did the smaller 2000HTS never ran into problems. I still give it a "3" due to the over promotion, and the fautly unit. In other words, Monster Cable still needs to do a better job to get my business back.

[Nov 08, 2000]
Jeffrey Getzin


Beautiful to look at, does a terrific job, *extremely* versatile.


Size doesn't seem to be an exact multiple of rack spaces (causing some very minor layout problems), trigger input is 1/8" plug and not RCA like every other component under the sun it seems. Also, lights on front panel are kind of bright and can't be dimmed.

What a delightful surprise! I bought this mainly because I had run out of outlets and I wanted something rack-mountable. To my surprise, I noticed a distinct improvement, even over my previous HTS-2000 that I was using.

The blue dial is cute (though not very useful), and the thing just radiates quality and style. I was very impressed.

I also know for a fact that the filtering in the HTS-5000 is more extensive than the HTS-2000. I know this because I used to plug an X-10 module into my HTS-2000 and it worked! But when I plugged the same X-10 into the HTS-5000, it doesn't. This means that the HTS-5000 is filtering out the X-10 signals whereas the HTS-2000 was not.

Admittedly, it's only an assumption that this filtering is *good*, but it sure seems like it in terms of the end results. Picture is clearer (or so it seems), as is the sound.

Certainly, nothing was made *worse* by buying this, and possibly quite better. And the device is just lovely to look at! :-)

P.S. Setting the trigger mechanism up was tricky, but very gratifying in the end.

Similar Products Used:

HTS-2000, HTS-1000

[Nov 16, 2000]


Multiple Outlets, Aesthetics


Overpriced surge protecter

I fell for the snake oil here. $500 for a surge protector.
You get the same performance from a $100 unit from staples.
It is all hype. The absolute sound will give reviews only, especially if the designer is Mr. Marsh, a former tech consultant(and current buddy) for the absolute Sound.

Seems like people like to come on this forum and justify their purchases through some affirmation. That's cool, we are all human.

[Dec 01, 2000]
Christopher Liu
Audio Enthusiast


Really clears up audio, particularly highs


No VCR-specific outlet

I upgraded to this unit from an HTS-2000 simply because of the form factor - I wanted a rack-mountable unit. I did not expect to see great differences in audio of video, but was surprised to find that both improved over the HTS-2000, audio in particular. The gains in video quality were slight, but noticeable, in the areas of contrast/brightness and sharpness. Audio was significantly improved, with increases in detail and resolution most notably in the highs and increased tightness in bass response. I should note that my first unit also suffered from the buzzing problem a previous poster mentioned regarding the transformer. I contacted Carlos at Monster Cable and he sent me a new unit which arrived a couple days later. This new unit did not have the problem, so either the issue was corrected, or it was simply a defective unit.

Similar Products Used:

MP HTS-2000

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