Kenwood CT 405 Tape Decks
Kenwood CT 405 Tape Decks
[Nov 08, 2018]
Brand name's status as a budget hi-fi option means loads of these twin tape decks are still knocking around in secondhand and consignment s stores all over the place. I picked up this Kenwood model from my local pawn shop for 25 bucks. After plugging it into the amp, the spectacular sound quality made me think the broker didn't know what he was selling. If you ever see one of these mid 90'-2000's Kenwood decks resting in a thrift store, make no hesitation to pick it up, I can guarantee that you'll be pleasantly surprised. It's specced out to the nines with bragworthy and useful features, and has this rounded design that against all expectations has grown on me. Weakness:
The door windows for viewing the tape through have been tinted so dark that I was at first unsure if mine had some sort of destroyed backlight in the mechanism. it took digging through manuals to learn that there was no devised way for the tapes to be clearly seen, aside from shoving a flashlight into the plastic and squinting with all your might. Price Paid: $25
Purchased: Used
[Jan 06, 2009]
Richard Schwab
This unit is loaded with features that one might not expect at this price point including:
Audible wow under some conditions.
I have owned my Kenwood CT-405 stereo cassette tape deck since 2005. I purchased my CT-405 mainly to play back my collection of about two hundred prerecorded jazz tapes. It has exceeded my expectations in many ways and at the same time been a disappointment. This is a dual well deck that will play a tape in either of the two wells “A” and “B”. It will record in only the “B” well. In the relay mode, it will play back both sides of one tape and then switch over and play both sides of the second tape and then repeat the process. This is convenient for longer listening sessions or for listening to music in the background while doing other activities. The Direct Program Search System (DPSS) enables one to skip a tune or tunes beyond or behind the current tune being played to the beginning of a tune one wants to play. I often use the DPSS feature to find a song selection in the middle of the tape without the stop and try hassle.
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