Sony TC WE675 Cassette Player Recorder Tape Decks
Sony TC WE675 Cassette Player Recorder Tape Decks
[Nov 18, 2003]
Half of the features mearly exist to sell the product (such as automatic music search...who the heck's going to take the time to do that on a cassette?!).
The device wins the stupid consumer award in my mind. It is designed for a typical Joe who will use it a few times and no more. I put it to the test and gave it hell (sometimes running it 24/7) and it did not last. Even after I replaced the belts, the symptoms included a slow warble and unwanted stereo panning. What a piece of junk. I wish that there was a semi-professional unit similar to this at a decent price!! Since I was on a budget and wanted: (1) good audio and (2) two tapes to playback sequentially in a loop, I bought this unit. It served me well for about a year and a half, then it developed problems which I don't know how to fix |