Magnum Dynalab ST-2 Tuners
Magnum Dynalab ST-2 Tuners
[Apr 23, 2015]
Had this antenna bought in november last year, at the same time that i bought a Vincent STU- 8 so there would be nothing on the chain too blame!
[Feb 09, 2011]
Abtron Automation
Audio Enthusiast
We install these Omnidirectional ariels for our customers and they are great for when your components are in the basement. Great value for the money! |
[Oct 08, 2008]
Audio Enthusiast
Works betters than any others
None This is in response to Halfnelson. Are you serious?
Customer Service Awesome Similar Products Used: CCCrane dipole, Fanfare whip, Godar (several models), Cheap Dipoles |
[Oct 01, 2008]
Greg Myers
Audio Enthusiast
Beats a cheap dipole
Not for the hobyist Bought this antenna with the hopes of using it for FM Dx'ing instead of sitting my car. I mounted it vertical at a height of @13' with @15' RG6 and thus far it has performed terrible. I can go to car and hear semi-locals easily and come back to my tuner and have not even a hint of the same signal reaching my radio. Prime example was listening during some enhanced conditions and could hear stations competing with each other- one in Jacksonville, FL (@200+ mi) and Sarasota, FL (@50mi) with the Jacksonville station overpowering the Sarasota signal- checking inside on a Sony HD receiver with the ST-2- not even a hint of either signal- which pretty much summed it up for me that it was not money well spent. I works well for local reception ie. within 20mi, that is it beats cheap dipoles, but it is certainly not for use by anyone other than a casual listener. |
[Dec 14, 2003]
David Ebertt
A strong clear signal (mounted 25 feet up on an existing antenna) 80 feet from the tuner.
None The ST2 FM antenna made a vast improvement on my system whuch includes a Magnum Dynalab FT 101A Tuner (1997) and Bi-amped with twin Sugden AU41 amplifiers. I have orderes as well a Magnum Dynalab Signal Sleuth. Money well spent. Similar Products Used: None |
[Dec 16, 2002]
Audio Enthusiast
1) Strength, what strength? Are you talking about the absent strength LED indication while using the ST-2 ? 2) My wife is happy
Weakness: only mine is to blame, because I believed a smart guy managed to defy the physics law ! Only outdoor directional antenna can provide strong and clean signal, period. Living in a flat in the nearby of Paris, I was looking for a better indoor performer than the given dipole antenna which is usually supplied in every tuner’s package. Because a friend of mind warmly recommended the ST-2 model I finally bought the equivalent (original making?) Metz AM/FM model which IMHO is actually the same reference as the Magnum Dynalab ST-2 and Fanfare FM2-G versions (have a look at Metz website), but at a cheaper price. I found myself rather sceptical while opening the packaging; it looks like a CB or Marine antenna that has been tailored (tweaked?) for FM reception, and the ugly/ utilitarian style combined with the rather bulky design (whip length) don’t integrate very well with a nice looking living room. OK, OK, you can hide it behind a curtain or furniture but at the expense of reception quality: in ST-2 manual it is clearly recommended to keep the antenna away from walls (a big challenge for an indoor antenna !), TV mast and any reflective vertical surface (so what is the mounting bracket for?) to avoid the ST2 becoming directional. So here we start the painstaking process to find out the right antenna location which would combine the best FM reception with the famous Woman Acceptance Factor. But let’s start with the reception quality first; as my tuner provides two FM antenna inputs, I could plug the ST2 in direct comparison with the cheapo dipole antenna which hangs along the wall. After scanning across the FM band and searching the best ST-2 locations & positions everywhere in the room (my wife was outside for shopping ) during a whole afternoon, I came up to the bitter conclusion; my dipole is better and not only by a small margin! Not only the strength meter indicated 3 more LED’s with the dipole than with the ST-2, but it also provided a far cleaner sound with less hiss and noise. Even worse, with the ST-2 some radio stations (usually strong and good )could’nt tune in stereo, or simply kept muted ! I couldn’t believe my dirty $2 dipole could beat the 60 $ “state of the art” passive FM antenna, so I double-checked again and again all connectors, coaxial cable, locations etc…. with no success . The ST-2 simply doesn’t make it. Similar Products Used: cheapo dipole antenna, various active indoor models |
[Jun 18, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast
Very strong FM reception, no hiss..
None, except if looks our important (looks like fishing rod)
Similar Products Used: Terk pyramid antenna (1987 model), Terk (PI)(1999 model) |
[Aug 02, 2001]
Neon Karbender
Audio Enthusiast
I thought The Click and Clack Brothers were sitting in my Apartment with me!
Nothing Well the reviews of the Fanfare were also very good, possibly had the edge on this antenna, but I wanted to buy local and the local HiFi Emporium sells MD, so here I am. Similar Products Used: Magnum Dynalab Silver Ribbon |
[Aug 02, 2001]
pat murphy
Tried the ST2 with my MD 101A w/Etude upgrade and got a better soundstage however, for grins I hooked up an old base-loaded CB antenna to my MD and there was the same performance. When horizontal, reception was even better but got some multipath, depending on direction of transmitter from me. CB antenna saved me $70 compared to the ST2. Try it for fun. |
[Oct 20, 2001]
Andre Seguin
Robust, easy installation. Greatly improves FM signal quality.
None. I own an Audio Refinement Tuner Complete and listen exclusively to an all classical FM station in Montreal, CJPX 99.5. |