Sony WM-GX788 Cassette Players
Sony WM-GX788 Cassette Players
[Jun 17, 2011]
Audio Enthusiast
Bought this brand new in March 2011. I had forgotten the unique sound a good quality cassette produces. Solid Bass and warm treble, yes its cassette but is a pleasant change from mp3. This, I think, is Sony's last high end cassette Walkman and its quite brilliant. There is no Dolby but to be honest there is no hiss at normal listening levels. Every logic function you can expect is on this plus a backlit remote. This unit also has two recording speeds, normal for good quality sound and half speed for dictation, however the lower speed does record music quite well and is perfectly ok with rock and pop music or off the built in tuner.
[Aug 04, 2005]
Audio Enthusiast
Excellent Sound Reproduction Lightweight, Attractive Rechargable Battery/Strereo Microphone Quiet Mechanics High Volume Output
Volume Control on Unit Unstable (Shorts out stereo-mono sound as on many walkmans) I Really dislike how Sony has done their volume controls on walkmans, but I guess this is an expected problem This Walkman is by far the most powerful and sweet sounding portable tape player I have ever heard. This Sony is not only sweet-sounding, but stylish and lightweight as well although it seems to be a pretty rare player. Great Stereo response ... Above average highs ... Great Mids and Lows ... Similar Products Used: Past Sony Walkmans Aiwa Cassette Portables |