Wharfedale Zaldek 300 Bookshelf Speakers
Wharfedale Zaldek 300 Bookshelf Speakers
[Jul 06, 2024]
If you can get these cheap grab them well worth it the three way sound separation is really good sound better than my paradigm small speakers 7V4 I think I have around 100 sterieos now Weakness:
Real good separation of sound get a sub for bottom end Price Paid: 70
Purchased: Used
[Jul 06, 2024]
If you can get these cheap grab them well worth it the three way sound separation is really good sound better than my paradigm small speakers 7V4 I think I have around 100 sterile now Weakness:
Real good separation of sound Price Paid: 70
Purchased: Used
[Jul 06, 2024]
If you can get these cheap grab them well worth it the three way sound separation is really good sound better than my paradigm small speakers 7V4 I think I have around 100 sterile now Weakness:
Real good separation of sound Price Paid: 70
Purchased: Used