Monitor Audio Silver Center 12 Center Channels
Monitor Audio Silver Center 12 Center Channels
[Jun 19, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast
Build quality
Boxy sound This is the bigest weak spot in this line of speakers. When you audition this speaker it sounds like the persons voice or the sound it is recreating is coming from just inside the box (if that makes sense). Everything sounds hallow and echo's. The siver 9i's are amazing!! But I did not buy because of this center channel. The silver series altogether is a great audiophile system, but for ht and 5 channel stereo or dvd-audio it fails, because of this center channel. The range is just not there. I ended up buying the acoustic research AR2C, just look at the reviews for this speaker. Amazing range with the downfire 6.5 woofer. Matches great with the AR1 towers. Similar Products Used: acoustic research ar2c, monitor audio siver 10 |