Thiel SCS 3 Center Channels
Thiel SCS 3 Center Channels
[Oct 17, 2003]
Seemless, smooth, uncolored presentation. Excellent frequency range for a speaker its size. Great build quality.
None found yet. I had the good fortune of coming across a pair of Thiel CS3.6's used and in excellent condition, as well as some quality used amps, so I took opportunity to delve into a surround sound system. Needing a center channel (obviously), I went to my favorite audio store, Progressive Audio, and auditioned some of their center channels. Being primarily a 2 channel kind of guy, I didn't want to break the bank on a center channel, but I wanted something that would interact well with the 3.6's. After checking out a number of their less expensive center channel speakers, I decided that the larger NHT speaker was the best. Then, I noticed that they had a Thiel SCS3 set up in another room with some CS1.6's. So, I asked if we could haul the NHT in that room and compare it to the SCS3. I have never made a quicker decision in deciding between audio gear. Literally, 15 seconds of listening (to music in Dolby 3 channel stereo) were all I needed to hear the tremendous advantage of the Thiel over the NHT (which sounded darn good next to the other speakers in the sub-$1,000 category). The NHT sounded like a speaker reproducing music. The Thiel made it sound like I was listening to the musicians directly. In addition, I could hear the overlap (or lack thereof) in frequencies produced by the various drivers in the NHT, whereas the interaction of the woofer and coax tweeter in the Thiel is truly seemless. Believe it or not, there is a musical center channel choice out there! The SCS3 is Thiel through and through, and it pairs up very well with my CS3.6's (as well as the CS1.6's, and CS2.4's that I heard it with). All of that beautiful sound from such a small box with fairly small drivers... Amazing! Similar Products Used: Thiel CS3.6, CS1.6, CS2.4 NHT, AR, Paradigm, Boston Acoustics center channels |
[May 21, 1999]
an Audio Enthusiast
The Thiel SCS3 has not gotten much attention given its simultaneous introduction with the larger and more expensive MCS1. I had the opportunity to review the Thiel SCS, SCS2 and SCS3 as a center channel in my system over several weeks. The Thiel SCS2 represents an improvement over the original SCS, but not markedly. The SCS2 has a smooth midrange and rather subdued high end making for a pleasant though not particularly detailed or dynamic presentation. Not having read any reviews of the SCS3 or even speaking with anyone who owns the speaker, I wasn't sure what to expect when I set the 3 up as the center channel in my system (Thiel 3.6 fronts, SCS rears, Lexicon DC-1, amps by Classe and Accurus). I was shocked by the improvement from the SCS2! Compared with its predecessor, the sound is open, detailed, highly involving and dynamic. It is a major step up from the SCS2, in my view, presenting a fuller and more controlled bass, much more open and dynamic midrange, and significantly more realistic high end. Indeed, given bright source material, the treble can present as overly bright, a trait shared by other Thiels. Nevertheless, this speaker is a major improvement from the old SCS2, and a great match for the 3.6s. It was easy to distinguish the 3.6s and SCS2, the latter sounding significantly more veiled and less open. The SCS3 mates very well with the 3.6s, with a terrific midrange and high end match. Although I haven't heard the MCS1, I find the SCS3 to be a terrific center channel speaker in a Thiel system. Check it out. Five stars. |