Canton Ergo 690 DC Floorstanding Speakers
Canton Ergo 690 DC Floorstanding Speakers
[Apr 01, 2021]
Pascal694 Strength:
Ces haut-parleurs sont tout simplement impressionnant ! La clarté sonore, ainsi que la présence des mid et la puissance de la bass est incroyable. Je les utilise avec 2 amplis NAD un C326BEE pour les mid et hautes et un C356BEE pour les woofers. De tous les haut-parleurs que j'ai possédé, ce sont de loin les meilleurs. Weakness:
Pas de faiblesse en tant que telle. Price Paid:
1200 Purchased:
Used Model Year:
2015 |
[Apr 18, 2016]
Audio Enthusiast
This review is for the Ergo 1002 DC, a similar but older model. These speakers present a wonderful, wide and detailed soundscape. They seem to me very neutral but lively. Excellent vocals with more midrange body than I've heard with similar designs. I am using them in a 2 channel system and don't feel I need a sub. Before buying these used I compared new GoldenEar Triton 7, SVS Ultra and Prime towers, and Paradigm Monitor. The Ergos are replacing a pair of Boston Acoustics T-830s that I think are wonderful. The T-830 don't do anything wrong, but when I switch to the Ergos, WOW!