Eosone RSF200 Floorstanding Speakers
Eosone RSF200 Floorstanding Speakers
[Feb 17, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast
Value - Detailed sound over the entire frequency range, at various seat locations in the room
Correct placement is critical to the sound Okay, the foam around the woofers on my 20+ year old Advent/1's finally deteriorated and I decided to replace them. I read a lot of reviews and listened to a lot of speakers, everything from the audiophile "snob" brands (B&W DM302, Paradign Titans, NHT SuperOne's) in the upscale stores to JBLHLS610 and HLS810, Infinity RS3, etc. Read about the Eosone 200's and decided to give them the 30-day trial from Crutchfield ($200/pr., only had 39 pair left when I ordered, when they're gone, you won't be able to get them new anymore). I know I didn't try them all in the exact same environment (my home) to give a true comparison. If anything, the upscale stores had the most ideal environments. I listen to a wide range of music from jazz to big band to classical to rock and do not have, nor did I intend to buy a subwoofer anytime soon. The 200's sounded the clearest over the wider frequency range (followed by the RS3's). I liked the SuperOnes, but there wasn't enough bass without a sub. |
[Jun 21, 2000]
matt payne
they are bad ass and they sound good, but need a subwoofer to keep up with my warfdales. but that is not bad and i like them!
needs a subwoofer if you have a big room! this speeker are the top notch small two way speaker and they sound live. they have lots of bottom but not a womping speaker. but i have a valodyne sub. and it sounds awsome. but they don't sound as good as my worfedales. or it could be that they are an exact speaker. and they sound real. and if you are an audiophile you will know what i mean. Similar Products Used: the valduse 300 warfedale! |