Goldmund Epilogue 1 Floorstanding Speakers
Goldmund Epilogue 1 Floorstanding Speakers
[Jun 24, 1999]
an Audio Enthusiast
Listened to Epilogue 1&2 using Mark Levinson's No.33H, No.32, No.36S, and No.31.5.The first impression was that the mid lows sounded boxy,although (or because) of the tight mid highs the music lacked in joy and happiness. This impression was consistant with Brahms piano quartet and Ron Carter trio.Assuming that the Levinsons were the mismatch to these Swiss speakers, changed the electronics to the pure Goldmund combos, Mimesis 20 pre, 10+C DA, 36 transport and main. The boxiness in the mid lows dissappeared, but the music was still dead. Something should be wrong with this settings. Or the Epilogue did not fit to my taste. My honest feelings from these speakers are, lack of bass extension, overtightened mids killing the music, and transparent highes. |