Jean-Marie Reynaud Twin MK2 Floorstanding Speakers
Jean-Marie Reynaud Twin MK2 Floorstanding Speakers
[Mar 31, 2001]
Chris Wynn
Un-hifi, unusually coherent, musically natural
Not the most revealing, not the “glossiest” nor the most exciting sound I really enjoyed auditioning the Jean Marie Reynaud Twin Mk. II speakers. I was very impressed by these speaker’s musical coherence. These are speakers that strongly de-emphasize the sense of "bass," "mid-range," and "treble." It’s an extremely "un-hifi" sound, where sound frequencies don’t exist as separate entities but seem to blend back together into music. Almost nothing about the sound stands out as a "sound" separate from the music. Similar Products Used: Mission 771, Mission 772, Tannoy M2, B&W CDM1SE, B&W DM 602 S2, B&W P4, Sonus Faber Concerto, Sonus Faber Concertino |
[Jan 07, 2001]
Kris Kosiba
Completely musical and natural. Airy Highs, remarkable bass from such a small package. Huge soundstage!
None I just recieved these speakers about 4 days ago, and I can tell you I have not slept very much in that time. These speakers are truly amazing. Upon unpackaging these speakers it became quite clear that these speakers are of excellent quality. The fit and finish belie their benign price(by a long shot). These ARE beautifully crafted speakers. In the owners manual it states that a rather lengthy break-in period is required(about 200 hours total), but upon first listen I could tell there was something special about these speakers. They are a rich, but not a coloured speaker and are dead quiet. And can you say musical. I have listened at great length to many of the speakers listed above, in particular the B&W 805's, and I have enjoyed the Twin Mk 2 much more. To my ears the B&W's, while resolving quite well were just too dry and uninvolving. The Twins are niether of these. From the first listen I was hooked on this speaker. They are so involving musically, that the time just slips by. One thing that stood out was this speakers ability to properly articulate the piano at its extremes. These will play a grand piano realisticly. The upper frequencies are also quite excellent. Extremely detailed without being the slightest bit harsh. The sense of air and space that the tweeter are able to create provide the foundation for a huge soundstage. I have found myself, many times, in awe at the life sized images and soundstage that these little speakers throw. I could go on at great length about these speakers, but I think it would be redundant. Suffice it to say these are an amazing speaker. At any price. If you are in the market for a mini-monitor, make certain to put these at the top of your list. Similar Products Used: B&W Nautilis 805, Magnapan 1.6qr, Dynaudio, Sonus Faber, Proac Tablette 2000, Meadowlark shearwater. |
[Dec 23, 2000]
Sean Heisler
This is a brief follow up review to my previous review below. |
[Nov 14, 2000]
Sean Heisler
Accurate tonal balance, highly engaging and involving, excellent dynamic range, detailed yet non-fatiguing, very efficient and is said to work well with low power tube amps
Will not play at ear bleeding levels without some compression (what monitor doesn't), you'll need a sub for low bass I became familiar with Jean Marie Reynaud speakers after reading the Listener review of the Trente and subsequently of the Twin MK2. They received glowing reviews in each account and has caused what seems to be an explosion in interest. As most know by now, Reynaud is a French company and has actually been around for years but only recently began entering the US market. As of October there are supposed to be nearly eight dealers within the US now. The main message I got from the Listener review and what attracted me the most in seeking out the Twins was their supposedly excellent musicality and involving sound, not to mention the Twins price point being so amazingly affordable. I am also a monitor fan and more musicality is what I was after. The Twins replaced a pair of B&W CDM1’s in my system, a very good speaker at $1100 and a class B Stereophile component. The Twins fell well within my budget but I admit I was a bit reluctant moving to a speaker costing about 30% less than the B&W’s, but we all know price doesn’t always dictate performance. So I decided to give them a shot. Similar Products Used: Experiences with or owned: |