LINN Kabers Floorstanding Speakers
LINN Kabers Floorstanding Speakers
[Jan 02, 1999]
an Audiophile
I have owned Linn Active Kabers for over one year now, and I find them to be the finest speaker that I have yet encountered. Currently the Kabers are driven by three Linn Klout amplifiers, and the imaging,clarity,detail,soundstage, and separation are frighteningly real. Bass is a tad bit shy, but placed up against a solid wall,the bass is super tight,never muddy, and extremely fast.The midrange on the kaber is nothing short of breathtaking. I have yet to audition a speaker with midrange and clarity such as this. |
[Jun 04, 1999]
an Audio Enthusiast
I've had a pair of Kabers about one year now as part of a H/T system including a 5120 center and a pair of Tukans for the rear. On both music and movies the sound is amazing. I originally used a reciever as my source of power and I was mildly dissappointed since then I have purchased a ATI 1506 as a relief for going Active, and I've been amazed, these speakers athough slightly lacking in what I like to call knuckle dragging bass have mids and highs that simply cannot be compared to in the under 10k market. The fact that they are eternally upgradeable make them an easy choice. At 3k to 3.5k a pair make them an easy choice but be sure go w/ the best source possible because they will find any flaw and exploit them they are brutally honest, I suggest Linn amps and Theta componets. |
[Jul 09, 1999]
Greg McGinn
an Audiophile
I have owned Kabers now for six months and not one day have I regretted the decision to buy these speakers. I'm not active yet but using a LP12 for my source and aBryson 4B amplifier it makes these speakers sing. These speakers are very power hungry if used in passive mode but the highs & midrange are bruttally accurate but smooth as a baby's behind. |
[Feb 10, 2000]
Luke Skywalker
They 're neutral speakers
none I'm using the Kabers for 4 years already and I heard a lot of other speakers in that time, but the Kabers 're absolute winners. Speakers who're $10000.= or more are better but for $3000.= I think this Linns 're the best Similar Products Used: Totem Staff |
[Aug 01, 2000]
Johan Saarm
Audio Enthusiast
Very musical and distinct with a very exact reproduction of the source material (for active use)
Limited LF extension and slam I have always had a problem with speakers. I have had a tendency to replace them every 6 months. Not so with the Kabers. I bought them active from the start (meaning three amplifiers, Linn LK100, with active cards) and have since not been thinking of replacing them. Them seem to interfear less with the music than any other speakers that I have used. I especially appreciate the Kabers ability to work well with all types of music and their very exact presentation of the source material. I use them in an all Linn system (LP12, Lingo, Ittok, Troika, Linto, Ikemi, Kollector, LK100s). Similar Products Used: Monitor Audio studio 10 |