M&K SS-150THX Floorstanding Speakers
M&K SS-150THX Floorstanding Speakers
[Mar 02, 2003]
Audio Enthusiast
Smooth - not edgy / ability to play at high spl's - THX ultra certified. Flexable setup for both movies and music.
Price. I have not yet fully broken these speakers in. Notwithstanding their relatively new status in my listening room, I have been quite impressed with their ability to create a diffuse sound stage behind my seating position. They provide a smooth, unobtrustive yet extremely detailed soundstage as a surround speaker. Their flexibility to switch between a dipole and tripole with the quick removal/insertion of a jumper allows the listener to optimize the speaker for either movies or multi-channel surround music (dipole for movies and tripole for music). I have been very pleased thus far and expect that as I break them in they will be even better with time. |
[Nov 01, 1998]
Buzz Cooper
an Audio Enthusiast
My home theater speaker setup is: |
[Dec 22, 1998]
Michael Wassell
an Audiophile
These surround speakers are great. They are only rated down to 100 Hz but don't let the specs fool you they sound like they go much lower. I think they are a little pricy. I would like to give them 4.5 stars but since I can't it will be four stars. You must audition these speakers if you are looking for surround speakers in this price range. |