Michael Green Designs Studio 5 Floorstanding Speakers
Michael Green Designs Studio 5 Floorstanding Speakers
[Aug 06, 1998]
J. B. Bookhard
an Audiophile
After reading the positive reviews about the Michael Green Revolution 60i series speaker, I decided to write this review on Michael Green Designs (MGD) tunable Studio 5 Monitors and their 10" Tunable Subwoofer. First, I would like to make clear that the close-out speakers currently being sold by Audio Advisor, noted as the "Revolution" series, are a level below the performance of the current versions of all of MGD's speakers. All speakers in the current product line are custom built. The successor to the Rev. 60i is now known as the Classic 60 and the successor to the Rev 5i is the subject Studio 5. |
[Mar 03, 1999]
Phil Stanton
an Audiophile
Fantastic soundstaging, sweet mids withour a touch of sibilance.Like all minimonitors, quality improves tremendously if you use them with $$$ hefty mass loaded stands like the 4 pillar Foundations (just purchased) or |