Thiel CS6 Floorstanding Speakers
Thiel CS6 Floorstanding Speakers
[Apr 26, 2000]
Joe Otto
Audio Enthusiast
Resolution, dynamics, soundstage, accuracy
Location of speaker binding post I am not an audiophile, but I have listened to lots of different brands of speakers costing from $1,500 to over $20,000 The only speakersI liked better were the Theil 7.2s. When I bought the C6 I was concerned because I had heard it needs lots of power and I was using a McIntosh 275 which puts out 75-85 watts. The McIntosh and Theil combination is great. My plan was to get the new 600 watt McIntosh, but I like the sound so much I wonder if it can get any better. Similar Products Used: Wilson, B&W, Maagnepan |
[Mar 12, 2000]
Michael Bush
Resolution, imaging, dynamics, and bass response.
Need good front end and plenty of amplification. The Thiel CS6 is an outstanding speaker for the price range. Challenge anyone to find a better overall speaker for $7K. |
[Feb 04, 2001]
Audio Enthusiast
Overall sound.Just right.
big speaker. Just a very fine speaker.To the ones that can not hear it I wish good luck. Similar Products Used: wilson,psb,eggleston. |
[Jan 21, 2002]
Tim Johnson
Audio Enthusiast
great imaging and soundstage, bass is fantastic, brings out lots of detail
large size Am very pleased with these speakers. I listen to many types of music - primarily country and smooth jazz - no hard rock. Speakers perform very well for my tastes and the music I listen to. Similar Products Used: Thiel 2.3, Dynaudio |
[Feb 18, 2001]
Casual Listener
good bang for the buck. has alot of qualitys you would expect from a lot more money speaker.
large hard to move around just will be amazed. Similar Products Used: wilson,psb,b&w. |
[Feb 03, 2001]
Well defined images and great soundstaging. Tight bass and non-fatiguing upper end. Very coherent.
Hard to move around. I've owned the CS6's for nearly 3 years now and I enjoy now every bit as much as when I first purchased them. I listen to a wide range of music (rock, folk, jazz, blues, and classical) and they sound great on all of them. The vocalist are well defined and centered. The soundstage is very wide and has good depth. The dynamics are excellent and the bass is deep, tight and well defined. The speakers are very revealing of any weak links in the system. I enjoy listening to music for hours upon hours without listener fatigue. My system includes: Classe CA400 power amp, CAT Ultimate preamp, Meridian 500/566 24 bit DAC, Linn LP12 Lingo/Ekos/Grado Reference, MIT MH750 speaker cables, MIT MI330 interconnects, Synergistic Master Reference, Master Couplers and ESP power cords, MIT Z-center power conditioner and Room Tune PLZ wall mounted acoustic treatments. Similar Products Used: Martin Logans, Audio Physics, B&W's, Alons, Aerials, Vandersteens, Magnepans, Proacs |
[Jan 27, 2001]
very good on live music. for the price
big,hard to move around I think this is a good speaker. Similar Products Used: wilson,psb,polk |
[Aug 11, 1998]
an Audio Enthusiast
After a year of agonizing indecision, I finally chose Thiel CS6's to replace my Apogee Acoustic Slant 8 speakers. I listened to Magnepans, Martin-Logans, B&W's and a few other brands. My preference to this point in my audio "career" had been for electrostats and ribbons. The vocals and chamber music I enjoy sounded better with that technology. I heard enough of what I liked in the CS6 to take a risk on a dynamic speaker. The Thiel sound takes time to grow on you but it is addicting. |
[Nov 23, 1999]
accuracy soundstage They are very good speakers,when it comes to recreating live music.Most people do not attend enough live musical events, so they do not know how the live instruments sound as well as they know the recorded one from their systems. Are there better speakers? Sure the Revel Salon, the Avalon Eidolon,at about twice the price.They are one of the best in their price range. Similar Products Used: eggleston,genesis,wilson |
[Dec 24, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast
Bass,overall presentation very musical.
Large speaker better have the room,and the power they require.Will show weaknesses with poor equipment I have very much enjoyed me time with this speaker. For the price I find no equals. But I am in search of a new pair of Revel salons. Just hope that they will give me as much satisfaction,and enjoyment for the price that the Thiels have.Please do not just read the reviews,but go out and listen for your self. Similar Products Used: wilson,audio physics,B&W |