Dali SWA 12 Subwoofers
Dali SWA 12 Subwoofers
[Jun 08, 2003]
yu cheng
well built, srong. suitable for long listening.tight bass. fast and well controlled.
lacks impact,maybe. pity they didn't use heavy duty loudspeaker connectors. I bought this sub as a result of the good reputation of Dali. When this sub came to me, I was astonished at its great handscraft.Yes, it is greatly built,though it is not very expensive.The sound is great, very suitable for music, and well controlled as well!However, for home theater, for home theater, you might think it lacks punches,as it is a sealed sub,but it is good for long listening. You don't feel tense and tired. Similar Products Used: klipsch ksw12 |
[Aug 09, 2002]
Audio Enthusiast
Well controlled. No port noise Price/Finish & musicality Quite small
Doesn’t say much below 35Hz Movie explosions and quakes are lacking (you hear them more than you feel them). I have used the sub for LFE and C, LRS & RRS to relieve the speakers and front L & R to relieve the amplifier. This set up has worked ok. However, in my system it works more as a bass substitution as my front speakers (prev. DALI450 now AudioVektor M3 Signature) plays just as deep (that is around 35Hz, below that not much is happening). A couple of years back I ordered a QLN sub 12 to get a deeper bas better suited for movies. However I simply couldn’t accept the port noise it made and decided it wasn’t worth the extra buck – back it went (it was even bigger and uglier). If you are looking for sub to use with stand, wall or shelf speakers you should consider this sub. It may give you just that controlled bass you have been missing, and this without any port noise. Similar Products Used: QLN Sub 12, B&W SWR 1000. |
[Nov 16, 2000]
Tom Laaksonen
Audio Enthusiast
Bum bum in hometheater use
Nothing i guess.. I use it whit Dali Royal`s, and i think t fit`s good with them.Hometheater use this sub rocks...It could go deeper, but i like it.In music it is very good too, if you have the right speakers.Go and listen it...There is also SWA-8, it is small, but i think it`s very good too, though it`s small. Similar Products Used: B&W ???? Too expensive if you want a good sub go Dali, not B&W...Dali sound better |
[Oct 28, 2001]
Geoff Costello
Audio Enthusiast
Tight base. Awesome volume levels. Truely Musical This is a amazing sub-woofer from Dali. Its almost as if it came from another planet then their smaller SWA-12 etc series with 120W RMS or less. This sub has a 1000W Peak, 350W RMD class D amplifier, is flat to 22Hz and goes way below that with gradual roll off and cam produce 115Db plus volumes. You can see it on their Web Site - the designer just said "lets go for it" and build something that can do concert level volumes so that NO ONE could complain about not having enough base. Similar Products Used: B&W 1500 |
[Dec 20, 2001]
markus mews
Audio Enthusiast
musicality, subtlety. clarity.
stupid light (hardly a huge issue, just get a permament marker) or invite some teenagers round. used with cura ca5 bookshelfs on stands. Similar Products Used: listened to kef 30b |
[Sep 03, 2001]
Ole Sorensen
Audio Enthusiast
Very tight sound. Great control at all times.
As always this sub needs alot of adjusting during use. I tend to like more bass when watching movies and the volume knob is on the back, very hard to get to. Annoying blue light. Can't get the auto shut off to work. I got this subwoofer to compensate for the lack of bass from my Mission 780 speakers. It works out great! The closed cabinet as compared to an open construction is the way to go unless you are looking for a deep, muddy but impressive rumble instead of bass. Similar Products Used: B&W - tested various types. |
[Aug 16, 2001]
Alexander Olsson
Audio Enthusiast
Nice, golden cherry look. Small
Speakernet A very irritating thing is the speakernet. :( It vibrates ALOT, eaven if the volume is low. Make a irritating sound, so i have to remove the net if i am going to play it loud.:( Similar Products Used: ------ |
[Feb 25, 2001]
A |
[Sep 20, 1999]
an Audio Enthusiast
I'm using this sub with my B&W Nautilus 805 and they work great togeather.This sub won't give you a massive bass experience but it plays very tight, clean and fast. I've also tried B&W ASW1000 but I think this sub fit's my Nautilus speakers better. The B&W is more "fluffy" and uncontrolled. |
[Jul 31, 2001]
Vision Thing
Audio Enthusiast
Very tight, clean and fast bass.
None for the price & size. This is an excellent subwoofer if you have small speakers (and room). Very good for music, OK for movies. |