Cambridge Soundworks MC50 Surround Speakers
Cambridge Soundworks MC50 Surround Speakers
[Jun 18, 2008]
Jeff H
Audio Enthusiast
Size, sound and value
not at the price I stumbled on a used used Cambridge Soundworks Basecube 8, took it home and hooked it up. I am a low volume listener most of the time so this sub impressed me as tight and accurate. It does complain when you push it, it kind of developes the audio equivalent of a high speed shimmy on a motorcycle. You slow it down and it straightens up and rolls smooth. After using it for a while I decided to see if I could find the Satellites from Cambridge, and so went to e-bay and found a set. Poor guy just had a baby and his wife made him sell his speakers, if I had a set of speakers for every time I heard that, come to think of it, I do. So I got five of the MC50s. At first sight I thought they were too light and small to provide any performance. Much to my suprise, I found a great set of quite small cubes with good range of mids and high.
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