Mitsubishi VS-50805 Rear Projection
Mitsubishi VS-50805 Rear Projection
[Sep 10, 2001]
David K.
Excellent Picture for a projection. Reinforced Top for Components
No built in HD Decoder Great TV, I'm sure the HD decoder will come down in price eventually. When I first bought this TV, one of the boards had to be replaced because when turned on I would get a purple distorted screen. |
[May 22, 2000]
Ian R
Audio Enthusiast
Great picture, no visible scan lines at even 2 feet away.
Although remote is great, it didn't learn my cable box fully. I'm the kind of person that does extensive research on anything I buy. This purchase was no different. I purchased the TV at the end of January, but started looking in November. I went to several stores, several times and looked at everything. My first dilemna was whether or not to go widescreen. I decided after much thought, that since the vast majority of what I watch is still in 4:3 format, I would ne better served with the traditional size. I looked at Toshiba, Hitachi, Sony, and more. If I was going with a non-HD ready set, I probably would have chosen the Hitachi. I'm very glad I chose this set, however. |
[Jan 15, 2001]
Greg Thomas
Audio Enthusiast
Excellent HDTV and 480P
poor built in line doubler. No 3:2 pulldown First off,.. buy the DVDO Iscan line doubler. I did, and it dramatically improved the image on this TV. I opted to do this over getting a progressive scan DVD player. It improves the image on everything that I kick it; DSS, DVD, S-VHS. Similar Products Used: No other HDTV's, 45" 6 year old Mitsubishi |
[Apr 10, 2000]
Bill Schoonmaker
The picture when presented with a good source is perfect. the colors are real and contrast is clear.
When watching our local cable feed you unfortunately see the cable signals weaknesses more than on a lesser set. We were perplexed as to whether to go widescreen or not but given that the majority of day to day viewing is still old format and that you quickly forget about the small absence of data on the top and bottom on feature length DVD's this TV is perfect. My friend went widescrenn (PIONEER) and the blank or streched images on regular TV are much more bothersome (not to mention the picture). My Mitubishi tube has been abused for years by my kids. It will be hard for me to buy any other brand. I just hope they don't start calling them Chrysler TV's with the pending buy out. Similar Products Used: Mitsubishi 40" tube |
[Mar 12, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast
Great Picture-sharp & bright, Easy Set-up,Great selection of inputs front &back. SVideo for computer display is incredible! Easy to set up & use remote for other devices
speakers are OK, but I'm using surround sound receiver anyway Highly reccomend this product |
[Jun 21, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast
WOW! Picture cleaner than most tubes and wide viewing radius.
May be too large for my room, but who cares. I am IN the picture... Not crazy about the blue screens between flipping channels, but it's my first projection TV I read a lot about the different brands before I purchased and Mitsubishi shows that as a pioneer in the projection TV market that they continue to dominate. I saw the TV at three major stores in a room full of televisions and its picture just stood out! Cable TV stations are a lot blurrier than my old Sony 32" tube, but DVDs under progressive scan knock your socks off... I just may look into that line doubler I am hearing about... Well worth the bucks. If you want a 4:3 TV, now is the time to buy this bad boy since I understand that ALL of Mitsubishi's products for next year are 16:9 format... Similar Products Used: None |
[Jul 05, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast
HD and component inputs
speakers This is my first big screen projection TV. I was very happy with my 36" Mitsubishi, but wanted a bigger screen and HDTV-upgradeable. VS-50805 has multiple S-video inputs (one in front) along with HD and component video inputs. DVD video is excellent using component inputs, especially anamorphic video. The salesman told me it has a 'zoom' function, but in reality it is only a "Format" button which gives you the ability to convert 4:3 image to widescreen. The only practical application is when your DVD player is set to display 16:9, then use the widescreen function to squash the anamorphic picture down to a letterboxed display. Result is a 16:9 widescreen anamorphic picture displayed on 4:3 screen, and picture is outstanding. Manual states that HDTV video will be displayed as widescreen, and you will not be able to use Format button to expand pciture to 4:3. My cable and DirecTV pictures are not as good, the big screen really shows the negative aspects of those formats(particularly cable). I ran my cable through a signal amplifier and it helped. A couple of other things I really like. Unused inputs can be temporarily turned off so when you cycle through the inputs you see only those inputs that are actually in use. Also, it is on wheels and very well balanced. It makes it very easy to roll it away from the wall and work behind it. Similar Products Used: Mitsubishi 36" inch tube TV |
[Jul 09, 2000]
bob b
great picture. scan lines? fagedaboud-it...
not widescreen, needs more inputs this tv has a great picture. my local stereo shoppe wants Similar Products Used: who cares??? |
[Aug 09, 2000]
Gary Duey
Casual Listener
Top of cabinet good for setting components on. Four sets of A/V inputs (3 on the back). Plus Component and HDTV inputs.
PIP will not allow swapping of two cable signals. They are coming to take the set away in a couple of days. The digital picture gave me headaches. I did not have acces to a HDTV signal source, so I was using cable, DVD and Laser Disc. Similar Products Used: Pioneer 40" RPTV |
[Aug 09, 2000]
Ron Shore
Casual Listener
None at present time Have had this set for about a month now and was very reluctant to purchase a projection set as my Toshiba 35" model had such a great picture and I heard a projection set would not give me as good a picture but I wanted a larger screen and boy were they wrong this set is great. I purchased it locally from Douglas T.V at what I thought was a great price $25.00. with 3 year warranty. they came out set it up along with my receiver, and VCR. Similar Products Used: Toshiba, Sony |