Panasonic TH-50PHD5UY Flat Panel Televisions
Panasonic TH-50PHD5UY Flat Panel Televisions
[Jul 29, 2003]
Audio Enthusiast
Just a great picture.
Price. Also, no fault of Panasonic, but not enough HDTV programing. In looking for an HDTV, I eliminated front and rear projection sets because of the amount of light present in room. Also eliminated CRTs because of the lack of screen size options. Purchased the Panasonic even though many reviews (of plasma TVs in general) note problems with pixilation during fast action scenes and the rendering of different shades of black. My fears were unfounded. Standard Def is great and the High Def picture is not just great, its wonderful. DVDs are also great. Use dish network 6000 receiver to get my programing. Similar Products Used: None |
[Jul 24, 2003]
Audio Enthusiast
Incredible image capability.
Expensive, as all plasmas are. You might want to wait several months or more, until the prices drop, and HD programming becomes more widely available. Viewing HDTV programming via Cox Cable on PBS-HD, Discovery HD Theater, ABC, CBS and NBC prime-time HD programming is nothing short of AWESOME. The images are truly lifelike. The colors are incredible. This should be your primary reason for buying this unit. Regular cable and broadcast are not much better than can be seen on other TV sets. DVDs are of varying quality. During playback, some are pixelated at full screen, some are beautiful (even zoomed-in) approaching HD-quality. For instance, “Fellowship of the Ring” (a special set containing 2 discs for the movie) is spectacular. Cox Cable installed a Scientific Atlanta 3100 HD converter unit. It should only be used for HD programming. The five HD channels I receive (mentioned-above) actually override the aspect settings of the monitor. It is full screen, true 16:9 aspect, with most commercials auto-reducing to 4:3 aspect. So, you also have to have another regular digital cable tuner, such as a VCR tuner, to display all other TV programming. If you try to use the HD box, it will display non-HD channels only in 4:3 mode with side bars, which will eventually cause the dreaded burn-in. However, using the VCR tuner, the aspect controls for the plasma display become operable, and you can adjust to suit your taste. From what I’ve read from others, and for myself, I usually prefer the “just” mode, which spreads 4:3 programming to full screen (16:9). The better the quality of program signals you provide the plasma display, the better the quality of the images you will experience. Period. I hope my information helps you in your decision. Comments or questions? Contact me at Similar Products Used: None. |