Plasmavision PDS-4207 Flat Panel Televisions
Plasmavision PDS-4207 Flat Panel Televisions
[Jan 03, 2001]
Gonzalo Martinez
Slim Design, Versatility of installation, uses.
Weak contrast, pixel coloring. I acquired this monitor based on the fact that Fujitsu has the patent on plasma displays or at least many of the plasma displays use Fujitsu Panels. The set worked quite well for a while, although I never had the chance to really calibrate it using Joe Kane's Video Essentials I never saw a difference and the set didn't gave me a chance to really see any difference in the image going through controls. One of the pixels turned green and another turned red. First for some seconds, then permanently. Needless to say I was very disappointed and I got no real response from the dealer nor from the manufacturer to solve this problem. Although the set continued to work reasonably well, Fujitsu's aftermarket service leaves a lot to be improved. Similar Products Used: Revox Plasma 5210 |