JVC AV-36F702 Standard Televisions
JVC AV-36F702 Standard Televisions
[Dec 26, 2002]
Casual Listener
price is good in comparison The audio is great, the features are pretty good, I don't like that the TV will not display the time when you change channels unless you hit a different button. Picture wise, well I'm about 90% satisfied. I like a sharp picture and I can't seem to get one. When you change channels the picture is sharp for 1/2 second then softens when it locks in. It's almost like there isn't a good focus. Maybe it's my cable??? If you are watching something say like an animated cartoon, the picture will blow you away. Otherwise, I just can't get the picture to fit my taste. I also can't get the purity set 100%. If I get one side of the picture set, there is a blue or yellow haze on the other side!?#* I'm going to buy a setup CD to try and set it up better. Similar Products Used: Sony..smaller 32" but I can get the picture set to my liking |