Sharp 32 MTS Stereo Color Television Standard Televisions
Sharp 32 MTS Stereo Color Television Standard Televisions
[Aug 17, 2002]
Sharpness, color, inputs, options. Amazing picture quality.
Remote looks really bad, but good otherwise. Just looks bad. Its also really really heavy (108 pounds). I currently have this tv hooked up as the tv for my custom home theater, and its probably the best analog tv i've ever seen...ever. My friend has a digital 27 inch phillips, and my sharp produces the exact same sharpness, but the color's arn't at close. Its so sharp you can see individual strands of hair on people, it seems like a digital tv at times. The colors are great and accuratley blend with gradients like on skys and oceans and landscapes etc. You can adjust all visual aspects through the menu to the point where I thx certified it. Its by far the nicest quality analog tv I've ever seen. The ONLY bad thing (being picky here) is if u have S-Video plugged in, u can't have something plugged into the RCA input for Input #1, the S-Video takes over. Similar Products Used: Phillips 27 inch. |