Thomas found guilty in federal retrial vs RIAA
The long-standing legal battle between Jammie Thomas-Rasset and the Recording Industry Association of America closed another chapter, as the federal retrial found the defendant liable for willful copyright infringement, with the jury ordering her to pay a whopping $1.92 million in penalties. According to a Thursday Ars Technica report, the total damage award of $1.92 million was more than a $1.7 million increase from the amount awarded in the first trial. Thomas-Rasset was found to infringe on 24 copyrights held by the four major record labels, with each infringement costing the defendant $80,000.
oh man – $80,000 per infringement! if someone had say 13,000 individual songs, x 80,000 = OACH!
maybe it was per CD, so avg CD = 10 tracks 13,000/10*80,000 still = OFMG PMITA
Why make the fines so high when it is obvious that there is no way anyone except a major world wide company could ever pay for that? Doesn’t the sentence just get thrown out after the case, not like anyone could pay that.
Seems like, kind of stupid of the RIAA. If they made is $5 per track, than you’d actually be able to get some money from people and at the same time have a punishment that is both reasonable, and actually have a consequence.