Harman Kardon AVR 310 A/V Receivers
Harman Kardon AVR 310 A/V Receivers
[Apr 18, 2001]
Audio Enthusiast
Power,price,looks and quality
James Kirk BEWARE, I wish this James Kirk would come up to my fathers biker club and give my fathers reciever a moronic review.Couldn't see that happening though and the little weasle can live with his fan squelling denon.Anyways use the site how it is supposed to be used and if you have any knowledge about audio gear you will relize that it isn't unusual to experience problems and maybe you have set the product wrong.I like the reciever and the only drawback ist the remote but if you are that layzy set the reciever to a high volume and then have your popcorn jump into your mouth.Last time I checked Onkyo,denons had major fan problems and missing important features. Similar Products Used: None because other manufacturers don't even know how to measure watts correctly so how can they produce a good product. |
[Mar 27, 2001]
Beosker Posey
Audio Enthusiast
I am just updating, since I got the new replacement remote that HK sent to me to replace the designed flawed remoter. I must say that this remote is a huge improvement over that crap that came in the box. I was able to program all my components, learn all the codes that I needed to learn. I even noticed a differnce in the ez set mode. where as the flawed remote turn all the speakers to -10 setting. The new remote reflect the the different distance between the speakers. I havent check to see how accurate the level matching is( I am hoping that one of the AV magazines do that for us in a hopefully upcoming review of one of HK's products) but I am reletively satisfied so far |
[Mar 28, 2001]
Mike Powers
Easy to set up and use, loud, clean power, great for H/T, super price for the features and quality.
Reliability -- it broke on me just like it has on many other people. I purchased my 310 on the Internet for only $520 which was only a few dollars over the reserve - lucky me. I used to have a massive 150WPC H'K and loved the dynamic range and clean sound. This reciever is no different, for only 50 WPC it has tons of punch and very clean sound. I am using it with a Paradigm H/T system, Atoms, CC-150, PDW-12, CC's and it sounds loud,transparent and perfect (although the Paradigm system requires about +3db of treble boost). For value and clarity I don't think this reciever can be beat. Setup is a lot easier than the manual makes it out to be, it didn't take long to set up and it's a lot easier to use than it is to read about it. However I must agree with the general comments about the remote, it's not intuitive and I haven't wasted any time trying to learn how to use it. The EZ setup feature works great although it kept trying to set one speaker -2dB down from the others which sounded wrong to me. Although, I must say I have read a lot of negative comments regarding reliability and this bug finally bit me too -- it broke. When I went to turn on the power, the reciever turned on just long enough (5 secs) to stabilize, the speakers emitted a burst of program material and it immediately shut itself off. It would repeat this act for as long as you wanted to stand there. I will let you know how the service experience goes. I would give this unit 5 stars overall if it weren't for the fact it broke. Similar Products Used: H/K integrated amps |
[Mar 08, 2001]
Beokser Posey
Audio Enthusiast
Dolby Digital/DTS 5 channel stereo digital inputs and outputs pre-amp outputs
The remote is apsolutely horrible I purchased during super bowl weekened. I paid 600 dollars including a 3 year warranty from ABC stating if it breaks they will immediately replace unless they dont have one in stock then will try to replace. Similar Products Used: Pioneer elite 09tx, Onkyo 828,Sony 50 ES, Denon 3300 |
[Mar 04, 2001]
Audio Enthusiast
James Kirk u r a jerk. Have fun with your Denon. I'm going to rate this unit highly just to counteract your "review". Go troll somewhere else. |
[Mar 02, 2001]
Ken Sonderup
Audio Enthusiast
Clean, Crisp sound, plenty of power
A little trouble with the remote setup Look Mom, I graduated. Similar Products Used: pioneer, sherwood (a long time ago), sony |
[May 17, 2001]
John Tesmer
Casual Listener
Too many to list! Great efficiency, great sound with crappy speakers, so many flexible inputs and outputs I can't ever imagine using them all, video output through the monitor port - the unit will display on-screen menus and current settings like voume, etc.
Complex remote that is limited in the codes that are pre-programmed in. This unit is fabulous. It's my first AV unit, and I'm quite impressed with the build quality and overall sound quality. I've used this unit with two sets of speakers - a KLH pair with a passive sub, and RCA Pro-LX55 with Lineaum tweets. Similar Products Used: None. This is my first AV/Reciever. I previously had a component Sony stereo. |
[Jul 31, 2001]
Audio Enthusiast
discreet circuitry, looks, sound.
remote This is an awesome sounding receiver. Yes I had problems with the remote but I just emailed HK from their website and told them about it. They apologized and shipped me a new remote that was a helluva lot better. I was able to program all my components w/ it. Very convenient now. Similar Products Used: avr300, sony |
[Feb 07, 2001]
Mike Valentine
Audio Enthusiast
Sound Quality, ins/outs. "night mode"
EZsetup, remote The sound quality is very good. Tight, well defined bass, nice transparency in the highs. The digital processing is awesome. Although it is rated at only 60 watts per channel, it has plenty of power for my apartment. I'm very happy with the unit except for the remote. At first it didn't even work when I tried to negotiate through the on-screen display. I had to push REAL hard. Eventually it seemed to have broken in and works now after 2 months! The EZ setup for speaker levels really sucks. It made my tiny surround speakers way louder than everything else. I set them up manually and now it sounds great. Similar Products Used: Denon, Sony |
[Aug 29, 2001]
Movies, EZset feature, and Logic7 is great for TV
2-channel audio is totally inferior to NAD equipment; remote Well, my long-standing loyalty to HK has come to a crashing hault. While I was waiting for my unreliable (and apparently unrepairable) AVR300 to be replaced by HK with the 310, I got a little impatient and bought myself a used NAD 314 integrated amp so I'd at least have some tunes. Instantly, I noticed that this amp was the best I've had in my house. For days I listened to my CD collection with a slack jaw at how wonderful it sounded. I even pulled-out some music from my wife's stash that I thought I didn't like until I heard what it could sound like through this glorious little NAD. Similar Products Used: HK AVR300, AVR-15, AVR-30 |