Onkyo M-504 Amplifiers
Onkyo M-504 Amplifiers
[Nov 18, 1999]
Jim Stannard
Awesome bargain, awesomwe quality, awesome power.
Plain old stereo, strange speaker binding posts This amp gets a few bum raps in this list of reviews, being blamed for the faults in ancillary equipment. This amp reveals what is there and that is what one wants even as it sounds unpleasant to the ears. With a quality item like the M504, there is power to the point that it is superfluous to discusss dynamic headroom and high currrent capabilities. Low power amps need these terms to argue that they can perform despite their modest power. Double blind comparisons should be the order of the day. High-enders tend to sneer too quickly at the possibility that a consumer electronics firm could market high performance gear among its offerings. All of this is to the high-enders loss, because it does happen every now and then. Similar Products Used: Yamaha, NEC, Nikko, Macintosh |
[Nov 25, 1999]
Audio Enthusiast
Warm and detailed sound, great looks
Very large, heats up badly
[Jul 22, 2001]
Chris Tucker
looks, reliabiality, price
Two dimensional, bright, etched. This piece of s... looks cool, and I really wanted to like it. Similar Products Used: Nikko, krell, Audionics, Sumo,etc |
[Sep 20, 1998]
an Audio Enthusiast
I purchased this amp from J and R for $550. It replaced a Carver TFM-22 which wasn't a great choice for my Magnepans. I noticed a marked improvement in detail, especially in the bass. The unit is very attractive. Apparently, it can not be bridged. The manual is sparse and almost worthless. The speaker connections are designed for bare wire only although I did manage to get a set of pins inserted without shorting anything. |
[Oct 11, 1998]
randall w
an Audio Enthusiast
all i can say about this amp is that i love it.although rated at 165 watts per channel at 8 ohms i have measured over 300 watts per channel at 6 ohms. the sound is very clean and warm.i have listened to many different brands of audio equipement and the onkyo rates right up there with the best |
[Sep 30, 1998]
an Audio Enthusiast
I have owned the 504 for 6 months now. The 165 watts of power was what I had been missing. The unit is heafty, powerful and pleasing to the ears & eyes. A fine value that should last many years. I purchased the 504 for added power to my Onkyo receiver for listening to CD's. I'm very pleased with the set-up. |
[Apr 12, 2001]
Audio Enthusiast
Plastic feet, and most of all, very cheap speaker binding posts!! I recently purchased this amp for $600. For the money its a steal. However, it has a few features that I find very lacking. I had purchased new high end cables shortly before I bought this amp. After I saw the speaker terminals, I was really dissapointed. Basically, all you can use is bare wire. On the other hand, this amp sounds very clean and quite accurate. I am using my Yamaha rx-v2095 as a preamp, a yamaha cdc-775 cd player, and temporarily my JBL ND-310 speakers. I have noticed that this amp can sound a little harsh on the high notes with some types of music. I also found out that after onkyo has been making this amp for nearly 15 years or more, they are discontinuing it now. So, finding parts for it if I have problems may be difficult. All in all, I would really recommend this amp to anyone looking to have a somewhat hi- end system. This is an excellent amp for the money! Similar Products Used: Yamaha, Sony ES |
[Jul 27, 2000]
Darien Stupford
Aesthetics, nice tonal balance, heft, sound
Plastic feet, an amp this size and weight should have cast metal or aluminum feet pods I've had this amp since the 80's, and it has served me well! For the money, this is one of the better separate amplifier buys out there. This one has been around for a while, which also attests to it's quality. The sound is dynamic, warm, and accurate. I would highly recommend this amp to anyone trying to round out a good hi-mid-fi to low-hi-end system. Similar Products Used: NAD, Proton, Carver |
[Mar 02, 1999]
John Butler
an Audio Enthusiast
Onkyo M-504 power amp |
[Feb 08, 1999]
joel davis
an Audio Enthusiast
onkyo power amps-receivers |