Onkyo M-504 Amplifiers

Onkyo M-504 Amplifiers 


Integra Serier Power Amplifier - 165 Watts - Dual Mono


Showing 71-80 of 86  
[Feb 08, 1999]
joel davis
an Audio Enthusiast

power amps-receivers

[Feb 10, 1999]
Keith Bradshaw
an Audio Enthusiast

I have owned the Onkyo M-504 amp for 12 years and am still very impressed with the way it compares to more recent products. I have the P-304 preamp and a pair of Klipsch Forte I speakers. I paid about $1300.00 for the amp / preamp and cannot believe that you can purchase one for the prices posted by some of the other reviews! Go buy one while you can! This system has provided me with many hours of listening pleasure and will continue to. An added bonus is watching those giant peak power meters dancing in the dark. The sound of course is what is important and it is very clean and quiet. I cannot overstate my content with this amp especially when it is attached to a set of Forte's.

[May 23, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast


Very good sound


Speaker binding posts

My father bought his M-504 together with a P-304 to power a pair of BOSE 601s (last ones BOSE released).

- lots of power
- beautiful looking
- beatifully engineered
- appropriate power supply
- beautiful meters
- high quality construction and parts

The sound from the M-504 is really good. Simple as that -- good. I can say the sound is neutral, which is how I like an amplifier to sound.

The way I would choose an amplifier is to go with measurements first then proceed with listening with them. I'd like an amp to have near perfect numbers like very low THDs and wide bandwidths. The danger with this procedure is missing out on rare amplifiers that sound surprisingly good considering 0.1 or even 1% THD (like with tube amps). There are some nearly perfect amps that would cost almost an entire savings when one could buy a better sounding amp for less.

The ONKYO M-504 meets both requirements -- near perfect numbers (like 0.003% THD even at rated power and 1Hz to 100kHz frequency response) and relatively low price. Surprisingly, the result of these requirements is very good sound. Such amplifiers are rare.

I just find the sound sweet and pleasant.

I've seen a review saying that the bass is somewhat compressed. I've heard this before on our M-504, BUT this is simply a case of mis-matched amp-speaker combination. I found that changing to a better designed speaker revealed the above-mentioned "compressed bass" to be not coming from the amp, but from the speakers themselves.

There are better sounding amps like Pass Labs amps, but for how much more money? Prices with 5 digits is an average asking price for those amazing Pass amps.

The rated continuous power is 165W into 8ohms, which is enough for some of us. I've heard some say that their M-504 don't have high-current capability. All I can say is that they're probably asking more than what the M-504 was designed to give, which is not good at all. Or something is wrong with your M-504's power supply.

One of the first things I noticed about the M-504 is it generates some heat. The first thing that came to mind is those poor capacitors sitting in between those 2 big heatsinks. I bet all 8 capacitors get baked slowly over the years.

Brand new, our M-504 gave us more than the rated continuous power output. A pair of BOSE 901s ask quite a lot of current from an amp, and with such speakers I tried to see how far the analogue meters would go until I hear amplifier clipping. I found out that with almost everyday use of the amp at average to high volume levels and nearly poor ventilation, the continuous power output has dropped 1 or more watts over the years.

I guess it's time to think about replacing those baked filter capacitors.

One other thing is the set of speaker binding posts. ONKYO should have used binding posts that are flexible in terms of speaker cables that can be used. Moreover, the set of binding posts below the set above have their holes in a near inaccessible location. Having the holes at the bottom would've been easier for those who use all the binding posts at the same time.

Overall I like the M-504.

I hope ONKYO never stops making them. Given the chance, I'd buy 3 M-504s for a home theatre system.

Following is a short review of the ONKYO P-304 pre-amp...

Some say the P-304 pre-amp should be replaced with a better one. Sound-wise, I wouldn't know for sure 'cause I haven't heard another pre-amp. What I can say about the P-304 is that it is a little sensitive about humidity, I'm not sure. Our P-304's balance knob needs to be either cleaned or replaced. It seems extreme humidity has corroded the potentiometer. Other than that, I can't think of anything wrong with the P-304. The volume control is especially nice. Lots of inputs and I like having at least 2 Tape/MD/DAT terminals.

[Oct 24, 1999]
Audio Enthusiast

I have a M-506 which I think is similiar, anybody? Unlike my Threshold,this amp has a real soft sound,which makes it very nice to listen to.the instruments dont seem to nail you to the wall,especially loud. I also have a early 70's sansui amp au-9900 that i compared to.The onkyo has a smoother sound.

[Apr 12, 1999]
Zhaid Alian
an Audio Enthusiast

I have owned my M-504 for about 4 months now. Needless to say, I am very impressed by the sound quality and the effortlessness of music reproduction and home theater dolby digital reproduction. My system consists of a Harman Kardan AVR 55 receiver as the preamp, along with a Technics CD player, Pioneer proffesional tape deck, Sony MD player and a Panasonic A-310 DVD player. My main speakers are Magnapan Mini Mags. In both two-channel stereo and home theater mode, the sound is dynamic and forceful and when needed very subtle. The most impressive quality of the M-504 is its accuracy no matter the source.
If anyone wants to sell their M-504, for whatever reason, here's my email address zhaid.alian@ucdmc.ucdavis.edu.

[Aug 19, 2001]
Audio Enthusiast


Excellent sounding 'high midrange' amplifier. Good soundstage and tones. Meters are aesthetically just beautiful, reminding one of the majesty of McIntosh amps.


For the price, none. Sonically, a little anemic in the lower bass.

This is not a bad little amp considering its price and target market. Chris Tucker must be tone deaf or have something against Onkyo to give it a one star. I could see giving it a 3 star rating, but a one star? C'mon Chris. Be real!

Sonically, coupled with a good, revealing set of speakers, this amp is tonally very pleasing. It sounds timbrally accurate, for the most part, and is not bright at all. Proof of the pudding is listening to Arturo Delmoni's cello performance, which sounded neutral and detailed to me emanating from my Joseph Audio RM's. Sure, a Krell or McIntosh it is not, but with a good preamp, speakers, source, and interconnects, it holds its own sonically. This is a VERY GOOD amp for the money, and is a class leader in mid to high mid end amps. If you can still get this at $650 and under, go for it.


Joseph Audio RM22's
CAL CD source
Sound Valves VTp tube preamp
Onkyo 504
Straightwire Encore 2 interconnects
Kimber Kable speaker wire

Similar Products Used:

Rotel, NAD, Adcom

[Feb 07, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast


Well balanced, warm, detailed sound


None for the price

I recently splurged for Thiel 1.5 speakers, with the intent of upgrading my Onkyo M-504 (which i've had for about 4 years) to perhaps a Bryston when I get the extra bucks (the Thiel was quite a budget stretch, but i've wanted these speakers for a while). Let me just say that this M-504 does not cease to amaze me!!! It sounds much more expensive than a Japanese mid to mid-hi end amp! The sound is exquisite... very warm and detailed sound, and this is going through my revealing Thiels!!! I cannot believe this is an Onkyo playing through my 1.5's!! For now, I must say I am VERY content with this Japanese wonder, and I may even feel a bit guilty when I can afford to splurge on a Bryston. Heck, I may not even go for the Bryston, given the excellent sound of the Onkyo!! This amp, if you can still find it, is a STEAL!!!!

Similar Products Used:

Adcom, NAD in the years past (Onkyo sounds much better than these 2 brands)

[Nov 29, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast


high-end sound; warmth, amp's beauty


plastic feet look like aluminum but are not. One of mine has cracked over time due to the amp's 50 pound or so weight.

This amp sounds very nice. Especially with revealing speakers. It sounds expensive, with a very open and believable soundstage, and it seems to be very neutral as well. I would definitely classify it as a lower high-end amplifier on sound quality alone. Onkyo has done a great job on this piece of gear! I use a pair of Phase Tech Teatros, and an old Audio Research preamp with Cardas cabling, and the sound is drop dead gorgeous and detailed! This is a great Japanese amp without the Japanese sound.

Similar Products Used:

NAD, Sony ES

[Nov 29, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast


high-end sound; warmth, amp's beauty


plastic feet look like aluminum but are not. One of mine has cracked over time due to the amp's 50 pound or so weight.

This amp sounds very nice. Especially with revealing speakers. It sounds expensive, with a very open and believable soundstage, and it seems to be very neutral as well. I would definitely classify it as a lower high-end amplifier on sound quality alone. Onkyo has done a great job on this piece of gear! I use a pair of Phase Tech Teatros, and an old Audio Research preamp with Cardas cabling, and the sound is drop dead gorgeous and detailed! This is a great Japanese amp without the Japanese sound.

Similar Products Used:

NAD, Sony ES

[May 04, 2000]


Very natural warm sound, beautiful styling and green lit meters, good price. Dual mono design.


None really, but the ersatz aluminum feet (really plastic) should be replaced by real aluminum. After all, this is a 50 plus pound amplifier.

This is one honey of an amp. I've had this for years driving MG-I's, and the sound is smooth and tubelike. This is a great amp for the money, and it reeks of quality through and through. It manages to be fairly analytical at times, yet well balanced and unfatiguing. At times, the sound is so sweet and warm I think I am running a very high end unit! Then I remind myself I only paid about $560 for it!! Onkyo has a winner with this one.

Similar Products Used:

AudioSource, Adcom, Hafler, Arcam

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