Pure Silver Sound Quartet Interconnect Interconnect Cables

Pure Silver Sound Quartet Interconnect Interconnect Cables 


  • 4 pure silver 28 awg wires weaved in a proprieary EMI/RFI cancelling braid.
  • Teflon® Dielectric
  • Locking "WBT" style Silver plated RCA connectors - single piece
  • Silver WBT Solder


    Showing 11-20 of 43  
    [Oct 18, 1999]
    Mark Drukenbrod

    These cables connect theTransfiguration Esprit cartridge on my Goldmund Studio with T3F arm to Dennesen JC80 pre-amps

    I had been listening to this same setup with 2 runs of Kimber Hero before replacing them with Pure Silver Sound’s cable. Before, with the Hero’s, the overall presentation of the cartridge was good -- imaging, weight, dynamics --average, but not outstanding. The sound was tilted up slightly in the highs, and what I consider a little threadbare in the mid’s.

    When I installed the Pure Silver Sound interconnects, I frankly wasn't expecting a marked improvement, but was surprised at the higher level of detail that the wire allowed into the pre-amps. The difference was literally night and day. The presentation was holographic, right off the bat. Originally, the cables had a slightly thin sound, but they opened up after being played about 12 hours, so I'm assuming that's about the break-in time required. I have about 30 hours on them now, and they are still improving slightly.

    All in all, they are an excellent product at a price that must be considered a gift by the "hard core" audiophile.

    Mark Drukenbrod

    Similar Products Used:

    Kimber Hero

    [Jul 25, 2001]
    ken Hinton
    Casual Listener


    Clarity and bass "tightness"

    I was using the pbj's, when I decided to splurge for some silver interconnects. I got the silver streak, which sound very good, but i didn't understand at the time that only 1 of the 3 strands is pure silver and the other 2 are just copper. So i started looking around (iwas not about to spend $400+ on the KCAG). I ran across all the great reviews here (thanks!) and decided to give the quartet a try. These were as big an improvement over the Silver Steaks as the Silver Streaks were over the PBJ. The high just seemed to clear up and I started hearing details i didn't know ere in my recordings. the bass was also "tighter", not fuller or louder, just more distinct. Frank is very knowledgable about equipment and was a pleasure to deal with. The speaker cable is next.


    NAD S-500 cd player
    NAD S-300 integrated Amp
    PSB Stratus Silver i's

    Similar Products Used:

    Kimber silver streak, pbj

    [Jul 05, 2000]


    Very clear and smooth sound, nice tight base, wide sound stage, well made


    None that I can find

    I have tried other interconnects, many costing several times more than the PSS, so I couldn't understand how interconnects being offered for this low price could possibly perform as well as mentioned in these reviews. Well, I can tell you that they perform as well as, if not better then, most of the expensive interconnects on the market. After approximately 30 hours of break-in, I heard wonderful lush, smooth clear (not harsh at all) sound that has really impressed me. The sound stage is as wide as the Audioquest Opal but the PSS has more detail (probably because of the silver wires).If you are in the market for good quality interconnects, give these a try you will get great sound for a great price.

    Similar Products Used:

    Kimber Hero, Audio Magic Apprentice, Audioquest Quartz and Opal

    [Jun 29, 2000]
    Mike C


    Everything an absolute stunning achivment and worth much much more


    Not a single weakness

    First let me state my equipment; Aerial 10t w/stands (8200), Classe SSP50 (6500), Classe CA300 (4250), Rel Stadium 11 pair (2500ea). Lets see thats 23950 worth of equip not counting all the sources etc. Now 1 pair of PSS Quartet interconnect 1m 139 between preamp and amp. This cable is fantastic, beautiful sparkling DETAILED highs, powerful fast georgous smooth punchy DETAILED mids, deep TIGHT powerful bass, HUGH stage. I just can't comment enough how GREAT this cable has transformed the sound of my system. No lie its as if i changed every componet for something better. TALK ABOUT HUGH BANG FOR THE BUCK. This cable is an absolute GIFT FROM THE AUDIO GODS for only 139 , how can this be. Please before you drop your cash on an expensive cable give this world beater a spin. Right out of the box you will notice beautiful highs and mid and so so bass but after about 2 days the bass will settle in and just get better and better. www.puresilversound.com -- 602-369-6715 - by the way i sold my old MIT and ordered more PSS cable. I never realized how BAD BAD BAD MIT cable is. 100 stars MIT would probably charge over 1000 or who knows what for a cable with the sonics of this cable.This cable will be as good as your equipment will allow . A STEAL AT 139. go figure, unbelievable.

    Similar Products Used:

    Mit , Monster

    [Apr 21, 2000]
    Audio Enthusiast


    clear and smooth mids and highs



    We have not compared these interconnects with any other except the ones that came with our Rotel 951. But I must say the difference was nothing short of astonishing. It was as if we bought a new equipment. Everything was clearer. We were especially struck by the interconnects ability to separate instruments. This made a hugh difference in the performance of large orchestral works. We ended up being delight by pieces which seemed rather bland before. Finally, we had heard silver has tendency of making sound seem a bit metalic, but this is not true of these interconnects. The music was at once clearer and smoother. The interconnects themselves look very well made. We recommend them with no reservations.

    [Jul 22, 2000]
    Audio Enthusiast


    Everything, Including top notch locking RCAs and XLR connectors, yes Frank now makes a balanced version


    make sure to affix and remove by connectors.

    This review Is on two pairs, one RCA, CD to pre. and Balanced amp to pre. When I talked with Mr. Steele and ordered, I expected a nice sounding cable, but not this nice. This has got to be one of the best bargains In Audio, period. Theese Interconnects are so good, they will embarass many of the megabuck cables. Read the reviews here and then order a pair or two, you can thank me later. RCAs are 139.00, Balanced are 179.00. Think I got the first pair of balanced, 40.00 more because there Is 50% more wire. Hurry, before Mr. Steele comes to his senses and prices theese gems accordingly.

    My present system:
    Gershman Avant Garde RX-20
    Bag End Infra
    Muse 160 amp
    Muse 3 Pre.
    Cal CL-10
    PSS Gems
    Shotgun BI-wire Oval 9s
    JPS Power AC and GPAs
    Ps Audio Powerplant 300

    Similar Products Used:

    JPS, Cardas, MIT, Audio Magic

    [Dec 12, 2000]
    Manuel Nunes


    Transparency, excellent high and low frequency extention, tight low bass


    May be a bit forward in the midrange for some systems

    This product should not evaluated until it has had at least 24 hours of use, preferable with a burn in CD. It is very transparent the first moment you listen, but the bass and highs only start coming out after broken in, and thats when the soundstage expands. This is a very detailed and revealing set of interconnects. Any flaws from your preceeding component will become very apparent. If your looking for warmth, this is not you type of interconnects. If your looking for speed, detail, clarity these are great. They are clearly superior to the Lapis in extention, detail, lower and tighter bass. I had a hard time evaluating the midrange because they are much more forward than the Lapis. After having them in my system for over a month now, I believe they are a much better set of interconnects than the Lapis. Hard to believe considering the price difference, but true. If you order them keep in mind that you may have to wait a while to receive them.

    Similar Products Used:

    Audiotruth Lapis X3

    [Oct 11, 1999]
    Audio Enthusiast


    bright clear highs, defined bass, great imaging, least expensive 4n silver interconnects


    non if you can afford cable

    I've had this product for a week now and can't believe the difference in detail. I hear parts of songs I've been missing for years! Frank builds a great interconnect that i highly recommend to anyone interested in silver. Highs are clear and well defined. I just ordered another pair of interconnects for second system. Build quality is first rate, i upgraded to locking wbt style.
    Ah! Tjoeb 99 (i love it)cd player
    Pioneer Elite xxx27xx (forget exact letters)monster z2 speaker cable, Klipsch 10.5 speakers

    system 2: AH! Tjoeb cd player (yes I have two of them)Nakamichi AV10 receiver
    Monster Z2 cable , B&W 601s2 speakers

    Similar Products Used:

    Straightwire encore 2

    [Feb 11, 2000]
    Marvin Wilson


    Midrange transparency, Bass impact, detail detail detail, PRICE!


    None yet

    I did not see the sextet speaker cables listed, so I too will leave a review here. I have to say at first I was sceptical about the price, come on $less tahn $400 for pure silver speaker cables? Well I went to their site and read the part about what it cost to make silver speaker cables and why Kimber (dealers)charge $2200 for 8 ft, it made sense so I bit. I have to say it was a great purchase. I have been through many speaker cables (interconnects too). I am one of those fools who keep seearching. My latest cables, and best to date, were the Cardas Quadlink 5. They had great detail, imaging, tranparency, but only "good" bass.

    I have long been a beliver in silver interconnects (currently Silver Audio silver bullet 4.0's, but I want to try pure silver sounds quartet's). So I was looking to save money for a pair of pure silver (not silver plated copper) speaker cables. Then a friend told me abt their web site www.puresilversound.com and I called and talked to Frank the owner. He was very helpful and honest, he said if I had $1,100 to try Silver Audio's symphony 32 since I was already familiar with their products. I said I wouldn't spend that kind of money if I can help it. So I order a pair of Sextet cables. The rest is history. They sound great right away, but truely "bloomed" after about 24 hours of burn in.

    Three things really sold me. The high range clarity and detail is phenomenal. The cymbals on Dave brubecks HDCD "time out" remaster are the most realistic I have ever heard. The vocals and hall ambience in Dave's True Story "Sex Without Bodies" (especially track 5) were incredible, I could actually hear the church it was recorded in. Lastly the bass and detail on Christian McBrides CD "gettin to it" was real. I could hear his fingers pluck the strings, hear the wood of the bass and the natural decay of the notes, wow!


    Classe .3 CDP
    Sonic Frontiers Line 1
    Classe C200
    Mirage MRM-1

    Viva la Canada! All this canadian stuff sounds great and costs little (relatively)

    I give these cable a 5 for sound and 6 for value (oops only 5 available) so a 5.5!

    My list of "investments" in order of purchase:

    MIT 2 - 2.5 (stupid dealer talked me into them)
    DHlabs T-14 - 3.5 ( not bad, good for the price)
    Harmonic Tech Pro-11 Plus 3 ( ugh!)
    Kimber 8 TC - 4 (great value)
    Straightwire Maestro - 3.5 (disappointment for the price)
    Audio quest midnight - 4 ( good sound, good value)
    Cardas Quadlink 5 - 4.5 (purchased used, great cables)
    Pure silver sound Sextet - 5 (hopefully I am done)

    Similar Products Used:

    MIT terminator 2, DH labs T-14, Harmonic Tech Pro-11 Plus, Kimber 8 TC, Straightwire Maestro, Audio quest midnight, and Cardas Quadlink 5.

    [May 21, 2000]
    Steve T
    Audio Enthusiast


    Price, clarity, imaging and bass



    Right out of the box these cales were good. And they only got better, much better (in 24 hours). I was able to get 2 one meter interconnects for 1/2 the price I paid for my Audio Truth Onyx from audioadvisor.com. These cables are as good or better. Frank said they would take 2 weeks to arrive and they did (maybe it takes longer to get to Singapore, see below). I plan on getting the speaker cables next. After a long conversation with Frank he said to try the interconnects first as they are the "most bang for the buck", and I think he's right. I give them 5 stars for sound and 5 stars for service too.


    Musical Fidelity X-RAY 24/96 CD Player
    Musical Fidelity X-P100 Preamp
    Musical Fidelity X-AS100 monoblocks
    PSB Goldi speakers

    Similar Products Used:

    Kimber Hero, Audio Truth Onyx

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