Pure Silver Sound Quartet Interconnect Interconnect Cables
Pure Silver Sound Quartet Interconnect Interconnect Cables
[Feb 05, 2001]
Val Schaffner
Excellent sound and build quality, reasonable price.
lack of shielding could be a problem in long single-ended runs; otherwise none. I've been using 2 pairs of Sextet balanced interconnects for a few months and was impressed enough to order a full set of Quartet and Sextets, including speaker cable, to wire a new system I'm putting together. I find this line a very refreshing exception to the voodoo and overpricing that characterizes much of the industry. These are honest products. You are paying for the workmanship and materials and not for advertising, fancy packaging, retail markups, useless fire-hose cladding and tricky boxes, and Ferraris for the owner. So they are very reasonably priced. The sound of the Sextet interconnects was noticeably more clear and crystalline than that of the Audioquests they replaced, which cost more. They do need break-in time, sounding a bit shrill at first and smoothing out after a couple of weeks of use. Also, Frank seems to be way behind in his orders, and my second one took about six weeks to get here, but I found him a helpful and courteous guy to deal with. In short, these wires are a terrific value. Similar Products Used: Straightwire, Audioquest |
[Jul 30, 2001]
Joe Pipash
soundstage, clarity, detail, and bass
Too inexpensive?, I almost did not consider them. I almost didn't buy these because they cost so little. I was from the school of big bucks for silver cables. But after reading the reviews here I decided to buy both the interconnects and speaker cables. Am I glad I did. After dropping big bucks for my system (mostly demo stuff) I dreaded the hunt for cables. I had Audioquest in my older system (all Parasound). I began by trying the Analysis plus silver oval interconnects that the guys at Audioadvisor said would work well with my Musical Fidelity gear. I didn't like the bright sound. So I almost ruled out silver. Then I found out that they are only silver plated copper! Thats a lot of money for essentially copper cables. So I next tried the Harmonic Tech Pro silway II's. They sounded better, but still lacked the sweet highs and dynamics I was looking for. By a fluke a friend of mine said to read the reviews here. So after reading I gave Frank a call. I am glad I did, these cables have everything I was looking for. A wide, deep sounstage with great side to side imaging. Deep tight bass, and liquid smooth highs. I went ahead and ordered the speaker cables too. The speaker cables were less than the Analysis plus interconnects !, what did I have to lose. I will post a seperate review of the Octets soon. Similar Products Used: HT Prosilway II, Audio Quest Lapis |
[Nov 23, 2001]
Casual Listener
Detailed, fast, quality.
none. I agree with most of the people here. These cables are really worth 3 times their price. My system really has gotten a new life to it after installing these cables. The detail in both opposite sides of the spectrum is tremendous (much much better than the nordost rd). As for Frank and the slowness in delivering the shipments, I have not had that problem. I received the cables right on time just as I was promised. I am very happy with my purchase and the service I have gotten. Highly recommended. Similar Products Used: nordost red dawn interconnects. |
[Nov 21, 2001]
powerful low end, warm highs, clarity, price
none Patience is the key. Not the burn-in time, but just waiting to get them. Puresilversound.com is only a weekend business so you may have to wait a month or so before you receive them (unlike some of us, the part-time owner has a life outside of audio). Similar Products Used: popular "Brand X" |
[Jul 01, 1999]
Frank H. Smith
an Audiophile
“Lazarus come forth.” This is exactly what happened to my stereo system when I first installed Pure Silver’s Sextet Speaker Cables and corresponding Sound Quartet interconnects. My system had been faltering but now has been resurrected. I was quite amazed at the very delicate and pristine highs, sonically rich mid ranges and tight but sonically pure base responses. All this with a minimum break-in time – i.e. less than 10 hours. I fully expect this to get better. In fact, it’s getting better even as I write this review. Further, I noticed that I had to substanitially turn down the volume due to the tremendous efficiency of the interconnects and speaker cables. What a pleasant surprise. My equipment is working a lot less harder in producing a much higher quality of sound. Once, while listening to a reference piece, my cat and I almost jumped off the bed. From nowhere, a note I never heard before surfaced. It was there and gone before we could blink. The purity and force was indescribable. |
[Jul 31, 1999]
Joel Napolitan
an Audio Enthusiast
I highly recommend Frank Steele's products. Frank is true to his word on the quality of his products, be they the interconnects (which I have) or the speaker cables (sextets; which I also purchased). You cannot beat his prices which are absolutlety reasonable given the sound quality, i.e., audiophile heaven obtainable by way them. They rid my system (solid state Perreaux amp+preamp) and Von Scweikert VR3 speakers, of that annoying graininess of copper; and I was using decent Kimber Kable copper. It may seem odd to spend much on interconnects and cables because we are apt to look at the physically bigger compenents first; but you do yourself and your system an injustice by not purchasing PureSilverSound products. Invest in reasonable silver; invest in your ears!! |
[Oct 17, 1999]
Audio Enthusiast
silky smooth sound of silver.
none so far. Buying this cable was probably the best purchase I've made in recent years. I was a little bit skeptical at first since my system is pretty much on the bright side (Angstrom 100, B&W 602, Marantz 63se) since in general, silver cable tend to be on the bright side. Boy, was I genius or what..it does make a tremendous improvement in my system in almost every respect of sonic characteristics. Needless to say, I'm a damn happy camper now. Frank is an awesome dude and even though he had some problem with my order, he acted with pure professionalism and I will definitely deal with him soon. Similar Products Used: kimber pbj, kimber hero, dh labs bl-1, and various cables from monster, tara labs, audioquest, and mit. |
[Nov 27, 1999]
Audio Enthusiast
Pure silver conductors in a litz configuration
absolutely none when i went from audioquest topaz ($80)to the audiotruth emerald ($300), it made a difference in the sound of my system, definitely for the better. but, replacing the emerald with the pss quartet ($120 with standard RCA's, $170 with WBT locking RCA's) was a much bigger improvement. good silver simply kills copper, no matter how good the grade of copper. when i put in the quartets i let them burn in for about 20 hours before listening to them. when i sat down to listen to them, the music just snapped into place - each instrument was more distinct from every other instrument, vocals were cleaner, clearer, and SMOOTHER. there is a certain homoginization and edginess to copper wire's presentation that you do not know is there until it is gone. now it is almost painful to put even high quality copper interconnects back in. It is difficult to convey in words the exact nature of the change, the best i can do is say music no longer sounds "hi-fi-ish", it just sounds like music. it is more relaxed, but more involving at the same time. i no longer listen to my "system" per se, i simply listen to whatever music i have picked out for the evening, be it large scale orchestral, chamber music, intimate jazz, or trip hop/techno. and i can finally stop "upgrading" my system, with one exception - i am going to get the pure silver sound speaker wire (pss sextet). $450 for 12 feet is simply too good a deal to pass up and if the interconnect alone has made such a difference so far, i cannot wait to hear the pss quartet in conjunction with the pss sextet speaker wire. 5 stars for performance, 10 stars for value. Similar Products Used: audioquest topaz, audiotruth emerald |
[Jul 26, 2001]
John Yamaha
Audio Enthusiast
Build, clarity, bass, imaging
None that i noticed Having upgraded my 2 channel system to a “high-end” system (compared to what I originally had) I decided to try the new cable route (new to me anyway) so I recently went on a cable binge. I borrowed several cables from friends in the West Valley Audio Society over an extended period of time. They all convinced me that one of the new small shops was the way to go, and to stay away from the big boys (my first stuff was all Monster, agh!!) My new system is as follows: Similar Products Used: Monster 950I, TMC white, TMC yellow, Homegrown audio |
[Jul 23, 2001]
Robert Benton
Audio Enthusiast
Transparency, COST!
none yet These cables are great. Not just great for the price, but great period. I was using truth links and had borrowed a friends Pro-Silway II's. But hthese are better (and cheaper by far). I am saving up for silver speaker cables, and eventually a silver power cord. Similar Products Used: Hamrmonic Tech truth link |