Radio Shack Home Theater Gold Cables Speaker Cables

Radio Shack Home Theater Gold Cables Speaker Cables 


Insulated directional audio cables


Showing 71-80 of 88  
[Sep 19, 1999]
Mark m
an Audio Enthusiast

Yee and all you other so called audiophiles seem to be the only ones who can hear this big difference. I suggest you take a look and a listen to the RS cable before you bash it. I just saw a pair of lower end Tara cables at my local dealer...and guess what? It is the exact same interconnect as the RS, EXACTlY. The only difference was that the Taras's were $50 for a 1 meter pair...the RS was $5.97 for a 2 meter pair. I also sugget you read Ken Kantor's column over at e-town about about interconnects and wires. You could also do a search and find John Dunlavy's thoughts on these cable as well. If paying more than $200 bucks for a pair of interconnects makes you feel better about yourself, that's fine. However, it gives me the oppurtunity to invest in other areas of my system.
P.S. Paying big money for cables doesn't qualify anyone as an audiophile, just a dope.

[Sep 27, 1999]
an Audiophile

If Bigwally would only live up to his promise. Not only can people hear the difference, these cables are so bad you can actually test the difference with measurements (often not possible due to the reading of similar higher end cables). The capacitance on these is way too high to carry any sort of detailed signal, let alone the signal loss due to terrible connectors.
Now I am sure if you hook these up to a Sony or a Yamaha (Onkyo, Nakamichi whatever) you are probably right. The differance between these and a pair of Audiotruth Lapis or Kimber KCAG will be negligable. But using good equipment there are night and day changes.

[Sep 20, 1999]
an Audiophile

After just completeing another detailed interconnect comparison between the DLin Silver Bullet 4.0 and Harmonic Technology TruthLink, I decided on the Silver Bullet 4.0's. I thought I was through with audiophilia nervousa with interconnects at least. I then burnt these $5.97 specials in and went through another comparison. The Radio Shack cables are very well balanced with excellent definition. The Silver Bullet 4.0's have a bit more depth and layering and are a bit smoother, and I do mean a bit that most people and systems would never notice. The Radio Shack cables made me rethink how silly I have been for wandering through the forest of endless interconnect "upgrades" only to discover these for the price of an ice cream in Los Angeles. And remember, these are 6 feet vs. 3 for my Silver Bullet 4.0's.
How else would you hear about obscure products like these if not for this website?

Rotel RCD 991
DLin Silver Bullet 4.0
Acurus DIA 100 MK2
Monster 2.4
JMLabs Cobalt 820

[Sep 21, 1999]
Mike Hanson
an Audiophile

Stereo building is all about tweaking. If you don't like your speakers, you find a better pair. If your CD player too harsh, you trade it in for another. Sometimes these "baby steps" can be expensive.
My system at my office was a 15-year old Toshiba CD player with garbage interconnects, a Yamaha A-500 integrated amp, 18-gauge zip cord, and crappo speakers from an old ghetto blaster. The weakest element was the speakers, so I upgraded them to the Royd A7X. Suddenly I didn't enjoy playing music.

All of the symptoms pointed to the CD player (harsh highs, choppy bass, overall graniness, and mis-timed presentation), so I upgraded the player to a Cambridge Audio CD4SE. That was miles better. At that stage I felt the speakers didn't do highs as well as I would like, so I upgraded them to the Royd Merlin. Now my system was really sounding great!

However, I noticed a small bit of harshness in the highs, and bass seemed a touch lumpy. Since I knew the interconnect was garbage, I figured that it was likely the culprit. Rather than immediately spending $100+ on a "great" cable, I spent $10 at Radioshack to see if it would help. The cable cleared up most of the problems with the highs and bass, and vocals sounded much more natural too.

These interconnects are a huge improvement over the free ones that come with your components. Because they are so inexpensive, they are a simple first step up the cable ladder. You'll see an immediately benefit, and your pocket book won't be empty. After taking this step you still want more, then buy something better.

You'll rarely get a better tweak for money.

[Sep 21, 1999]
an Audiophile

These interconnects deserve a serious review, but I wouldn't go over the top. They are better than some and not as good as others. If you believe there is any difference at all between cables, it stands to reason some will be better and some will be worse.
I first tried these and found they provided much more clarity and definition than the MIT 6 cables I had been using, and which I found muddy sounding by comparison. Unfortunately, they went to an extreme in that dimension, and some string CDs (e.g. the Keller Quartet doing the Art of the Fugue) sounded like nails on a blackboard. I next tried Wireworld Atlantis II which passed the most rigourous blind testing: The BWT, or Blind Wife Test. My wife did not know I had bought new cables and is not particularly into the gear end of things, but when she came into the listening room immediately asked if I had bought a new stereo gadget! QED!(I considered calling this the Blind Spouse Test, but as more politically correct, but others may already have a use for the acronym of the BS test. There is, of course, always the chance that I was just looking guilty about my new purchase :) I have no doubt interconnects make difference, but if you can't hear the difference, there is no point paying the price.
I used the cables between an MSB Link dac into a Bryston B60R amplifier, by the way.

[Sep 21, 1999]
an Audio Enthusiast

Been playing this stereo game since the early 60's. I've tried expensive cables. I've tried cheap cables. For $10, these are a good buy. For $10 ,they are a bargain. For $6.00 they are a steal.
Unless your system needs cablesthat attenuate a certain part of the spectrunm to make it sound good, these are fine. If you need to use cables to compensate for deficiencies in other parts of the system, then look atthe more expensive "sound altering" cables.

They do well with My Rega, Goldring, NAD and Magnapan system. No detail lacking here...

Oh, and Yee, you are an idiot. Let's keep this to valid reviews by people who have used a product, OK? If you have tried these, then feel free to comment on them. All you do is throw digs. Somehow, I think the Radio Shack name is what bothers you. If you tries them , you might learn something but I guessw you can't plug them into your boom box. Sounds like you are generalizing. If I was like you, I might think that anyone with a name like yours was a third world slave, but expierence taught this may not be true. Try to avoid personal attacks on people. If you want to take this to the general section where the "big boys" play, then feel free. But, my impresion is you'll be eaten alive there.

[Dec 21, 2000]





Yep, I consider myself an audiophile. For those who think we are getting conned into paying too much money for cables that don't make a difference: Why did you "upgrade" to Radio Shack? If the Shack's wires are better than OEM then isn't it possible that the likes of Kimber, Audioquest, XLO, etc can be better than the Shack? Granted the law of diminishing returns kicks in pretty quick but the difference is in the ear of the beholder. I don't normally recommend anything less than Kimber but that's for people who strive for the best sound. Now I didn't say the best sound for their money. Kimber isn't cheap but it isn't that expensive either. If money is your sole guiding force then go with the Shack; or stick with what you have. If you don't believe cables make a difference then you obviously haven't experimented enough. And if you don't feel the need to experiment then I hope you fall off the earth because after all it is flat, right?
I love cable debates because those who rely on misinformation, rumor, and hype can't seem to fully back up their argument. I've been experimenting with cables for over 6 years and have proven to dozens of people that differences exist. The only thing I can't prove is the value of that difference. That belongs to the individual and his/her wallet.
Once again, if you just need some longer cables then what you have, go for the Shack. If you want to hear MUSIC, first get better speakers, then electronics, then better cables. If you love music, it's worth it.

Similar Products Used:

OEM, Monster, Kimber

[Dec 21, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast

All those expensive "audiophile" cables are pseudo-scientic. All people who bought the are victoms. I myself is one of them (I spent $200 on Nordost, TaraLabs cables
3 years ago). Allow me to reveal a simple fact: All those expensive brands have dozens of models. That's ridiculous.
There should be only ONE model, a model that deliver signals with least amount of modification/distortion to it. It just makes no sense that "this model deliver a warm rich sound, that model deliver a bright sound" or "this model is good for modestly priced CD player, that model is good for high-end CD player". That's bullsh*t. People, wake up and use your brain. don't be another foolish victom of those fraud companies. Go get a radio shack.
btw, I use radio shack on my sony VCR and Taralabs on my DVD player. guess what? the VCR sounds even better than my DVD.

[Mar 16, 2001]
Audio Enthusiast




Could have made better myself

Well they are exactly what I expected... laaame, so I wasn't disappointed..I have to wonder about the people who buy these and expect high quality goods..wake the hell up!

Similar Products Used:

Kimber,monster, misc other affortable solutions

[Mar 16, 2001]
Audio Enthusiast




Could have made better myself

Well they are exactly what I expected... laaame, so I wasn't disappointed..I have to wonder about the people who buy these and expect high quality goods..wake the hell up!

Similar Products Used:

Kimber,monster, misc other affortable solutions

Showing 71-80 of 88  

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