BetterCables Silver Serpent Digital Coax Video/Digital Cables

BetterCables Silver Serpent Digital Coax Video/Digital Cables 


If you are looking for the state-of-the-art in digital audio cable performance, look no further than our Silver Serpent Digital Coax cable. After months of development, we are proud to announce our flagship digital coax. This cable is capable of extremely high datarates and was designed for serial digital data transmission with minimal Structural Return Loss. Perfect for DVD digital audio to a Dolby Digital/DTS processor or outboard DACs. This cable is capable of extremely high datarates (even SDI) and was designed for serial digital data transmission with minimal Structural Return Loss. This cable is perfectly suited for SPDIF (digital audio) and will compare favorably to ANY digital cable on the market-AND WE GUARANTEE IT. Features: 75-ohm 18AWG Solid 99.999% pure Silver coated copper center conductor with advanced Nitrogen-injected Foam HDPE Insulation. Dual shield (100 percent foil, 95 percent braid). Low-Capacitance (16.2 pF per Ft.) and Nominal Velocity of Propagation 82 percent. This cable NEC CMR rated for in-wall use.


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[Aug 07, 2000]
Pierre-Laurent Jacquin
Audio Enthusiast


purity of sound, spatiality, warmness, details, precision, bass clarity...


none i've seen at this moment.

I bought several months ago the S-Video cable from and was really, really impressed by the quality of this product. In fact, as a daily reader of I was sure it was something great, but it pushed the overall quality of the picture over what I expected.

Months, later I was wondering how to improve the audio part of my system, cose I felt it sound "flat", the details were hidden in a "smooth mass of sound"... I decided to go back to and read their opinion regarding the use of Toslink, and their advice to use a digital audio coax to link the player and the amp instead... BUT, my DVD player didn't have the RCA output connector... What a mess..., so i decided to replace the DVD player and bought a Micromega Minium DVD Player (french brand, a slighltly higher class than Sony 7700, with both video and audio sections of high-level (24 bits audio, 96 Hz natural, 10 bits video).... and bought THE Ultra Digital Coax from

my system had a rebirth, my entire collection of CD's and DVD's had a rebirth, my girlfriend took a little time to appreciate the difference, but now that's a done thing and... I'm the happiest guy in my neighboroad...

I have just one little problem now... I want to change my Amp... (just kidding...)

Similar Products Used:


[Nov 20, 2000]
John T


("Ultra") WARM, PHAT, excellent detail, killer bottom-end, beautiful soundstage


None, but haven't compared to mega-expensive digital coax

(Reviewing 2m length of "Ultra" version.) Did a recent cable shootout of my own in my mid-level audiophile HT system (Rotel preamp, 20-bit Burr-Brown DAC/AC3, Pioneer DVD, B&K amps, Paradigm speakers, Energy subwoofer.) The video cable sucked; the Monster wasn't great, but it did roll-off the high-end, helpful if you have a bright system; the XLO ER-6 was pretty nice, but the "Ultra" blew me away! Had that impact of, "Gee - sounds like I got new components or a new system!" Everything sounded so much better, and so much more "there"; very musical. DVD movies sound immaculate and highly detailed (provided the rest of your system can support revealing detail.)
Can't recommend highly enough. Forget the cheaper cable - spend the extra $10 and get the "Ultra" - definitely worth it. Brad is a great, friendly guy to deal with, as well.

Similar Products Used:

Video cable, Monster IDL 100, XLO/VDO ER-6, Canare Digiflex (LV-61S)

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