Cambridge Audio CD6 CD Players

Cambridge Audio CD6 CD Players 


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Showing 31-39 of 39  
[Dec 30, 1998]
Sloan McBain
an Audiophile

I have to agree with the Nordost recommendation. I'm running Black Knights with Kimber speaker wire. Ok, this might sound like a lousey combo, but it's not really that bright. Once the Nosdost settles down, the CD6 really bangs out the low notes.
This CD player continues to impress me...I've had it for almost a year, and I'm in no hurry to up-grade.

[Jul 26, 1999]
Trevor Haskett
a Casual Listener

Just thought I'd drop my $0.02 worth...
I started to build a new system (with my modest budget limits) about 7 months ago. I figured that it was time to get a multidisc CD player, and enjoy some of the modern conveniences of technology.


I listened to some nice machines, and just on a whim, the dealer suggested I listen to the CD4, which was a couple of dollars less than the player I thought I'd take home. Imagine, with new tech, you can get better sound if you want it, instead of a place to keep the CDs you're not listening to! I liked the sound so much that I asked what a couple more dollars would buy... And here you have it.

Without a doubt, this is the richest, sweetest, music I've ever had the luxury of owning - and at a fraction of the cost. Do yourself a favour, and take a listen.

When I get those new speakers I may never leave the house...

[Oct 24, 1999]
Audio Enthusiast


Warm without lack of definition, built quality superior


Loading mechanism somehow weak

What a beautiful soundstage ! Fantastic machine with a built quality to rival machines double or tripple that price. Wish the loading mechanism would be of better quality since I don´t like autoload, which is quite confusing and the sound while loading/ejecting is not what I really appreciate. But then, once it runs your jaw simply drops! This is a step towards analogue kind of sound. Not the harsh sound a middleclass CD players at all. I compared it with A/B switching to some typical mid-class CD players. They did not stand a chance at all. Though I am still waiting for the D500 from Cambridge Audio which I had ordered to finally make up my mind. I paid about 350U$ (Europe) for it, there isn´t anything better for that money! I wonder if the 24bit Crystal DAC in the D500 sounds better. Meanwhile I certainly enjoy this machine. Besides, check out the inside! 3 (THREE) transformers for transport, digital and analogue section and highgrade components and it (shows) how it sounds!

[Jul 03, 1997]
James Gibbon
an Audio Enthusiast

I bought a CD6 myself a week or so ago. I'm quite pleased with it,
but discovered that it couldn't cope with very long CDs - it gives
up after the first 72 minutes. Took it back this morning, the new
one is fine.

Soundwise, it's very smooth, and a bit middley. It's a very basic,
boring looking black box, but the build quality is superb.


[May 06, 1997]
daniel tremblay
an Audiophile

This fine product was designed in England but is built in the Far East to cut costs. However, quality and listening pleasures are not. Gold plated connectors, balanced and unbalanced, digital outputs. This single player has lots of definition, is a killer on separation and has very sweet highs. At $899 canadian dollars, it is a steal and can be compared with Rotel's top model (950,970) and is costing a fraction of the price. Enjoy

[Nov 27, 2000]
Wendel Lustig
Audio Enthusiast


The absolute natural sound for less then $1000.


Slight hum (not in signal) because of 3 transformers used.

I never thought I´ll be back again to review the CD-6 as I had done it already some time ago. Here the story. I had to wait +6 months for an ordered D500 from CA but had the CD-6 as a loaner which eventually gave up on one outchannel but anyway was very pleased by that unit. Had another loaner a.s.forth. Then my D500 came in and I was very satisfied until recently. For the last 2 months my D500 started making trouble e.g. did not want to log onto the CD (No spin up) hence the CD wasn´t recognized. Even new CD´s had the same indication. Switching ON/OFF solved it. But lately when I wanted to convince a friend of the D500 so he would buy himself one it gave up and would not read any CD no more. I took it apart and located the fault (The spindle motor was down - and that on a SONY drive !!) This one went back to my dealer and he wanted to give me a brand new D500 but I said no, instead I took a new CD-6 which was already burned in during listening seesions in his shop. Now again I am more than pleased. Definately it sounds better than a D500. My former reported weakness on a slow mechanism on the CD-6 must be overthought because this CD-6 I am having now logs onto a CD even faster then the D500 even though it´s a bit picky on scratched CD´s (All CA´s are in fact including the D500..)
I don´t want to talk about sonic qualities as I know the CD-6 quite well. SIMPLY STUNNING and matches well with my C500 and P500 from the same company.

Similar Products Used:

CD-6(See my first review), Cd-4, D500

[Oct 26, 1999]
David Graham
Audio Enthusiast


sound quality


appearance of display,noise on opening of tray

I purchased a lightly used player for a very good price after having the opportunity to audition it in my home. The sound improvement over my older Denon is shocking. This represents a major upgrade at a minor price. The only problem the rest of you have now is finding one. I was advised by a dealer who has a CD6 in his home system ,that the sound is markedly better than the newer ( and cheaper) D500. I have never heard it to compare.
I am also auditioning in my home a complete Naim system with the CDX cd player selling at over 4 times the price. After A/B of the cd players in both the Naim and my home Adcom system, the CD6 compares very well ( although not the equal) to the Naim CDX.
The CD6 is great value. I was lucky to get one. ( I seriously considered going for the AH Tjoeb 99 until this opportunity came along.)

[Oct 15, 1997]
Chris Bennett
an Audio Enthusiast

I've owned a CD6 for about a month now and love it to death!
Fast cutting transitions with superb timing and a pace and attack all to lakcing from players such as the Marantz CD67. Bass definition is well extended and firmly in control. Drums / Bongos working especialy well.

Hooked up through a friends Kef T-Lines and a Class A Nytech amp the sound was something to behold. On more laid back amps such as the Arcam 7 the sound is still detailed and sweet although some music does work better on less demanding players such as an Alpha 7.

There are better players out there but for the money this is the best player out there under £350, and that's even with it's £250 GBP price tag. If you like music such as Prodigy, Massive attack etc then this is the player to own.


[Mar 13, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast


Build quality, price, smooth and detail sound

Well ... I just bought the CD6 for a month second-hand ofr $500 CAD and tried it on a $8000 system which sounds almost as good as a Cal Audio Lab CD Player (which costs $1500 CAD) on a ProAc 2.5 speakers. I am very satisfied with the sound and build quality.

However, I do noticed the CD player reads the CD rather slower than others. But judging on the sound alone I think I got a really good deal. If you have a chance to get a hand on one of these baby do it!!

Also one last thing ... some people compare this player to the new D500. I talked to a local dealer and was told that D500 is a replacement for CD4SE. The new S700 with the DAC board is supposed to be the replacement for the CD6. Therefore the CD6 will sound better than the new D500 for sure!

Showing 31-39 of 39  

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