Monster Cable PowerCenter THS 5000 Power Conditioners

Monster Cable PowerCenter THS 5000 Power Conditioners 


2 unswitched front panel convenience outlets. 10 outlets capable of being programmed as unswitched, switched, or switched with delay. $100,000 connected equipment protection and limited lifetime warranty.


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[Jun 19, 2000]

Just an added note. Most high end preamps have adequate EMI/RFI filtering although every little bit helps. It always amazes me how so called audiophiles rave about this power conditioner or this power cord or some other tweak that is supposed to do wonders for your audio system that in reality is 99% in your mind. I will say that having a dedicated circut in your house for audio alone is a wise choice if for nothing else to eliminate any potenial interference or tripping a circut breaker when your better half decides it's time to dry her hair!! Power cords are the worst!! I think when you pay 4000.00 dollars for a preamp and 6000.00 for amp the engineers who designed these components put alot of thought into the a/c operating voltage and it's limitations. Ever wonder why you don't see manufacturers like Krell, Classe, Sonic Frontiers or Mark Levinson offering so called high performance power cords? In reality if they thought it was necessary they would have added it in the first place. Granted they make provisions to easily change the power cord via IEC type plugs, but wouldn't you think they would optimize thier own system design? While I'll be the first to agree that some components would greatly beneifit from a different power cord, but to me if you want that kind of improvement why not upgrade your components instead of wasting money on a needless power cord. Anyway without getting totally off the subject about this monster product, a good power condtioner/surge protector is necessary as far as protecting your investment, but assume that this unit or any other unit of it's kind is going to make some dramatic improvement in your sound quality other than lowering the noise floor and blackening the background.

[Aug 24, 2001]
Howard Halligan


Improves both picture and sound noticably. Switchable options for each patr of inputs.


Labels supplied for component cords do not match labels on outlets.

I did not believe wires and power conditioners could make much of a difference. I was wrong. Better interconnects at pre-amplification stages do make a difference, as does bi-wiring and power conditioners. Bought the Monster 2500 on a credit card and 30 day return as I do everything to “ test it out” through A-B comparisons.. It made a very noticeable improvement in both audio and video quality. When I noticed on this site that I could get it cheaper on ebay I found the 5000 for only $70. more than I paid for the 2500, so I bought it and am returning the 2500. The 5000 made even more of a difference and offers the ability to choose “switched or unswitched and delay or no delay” for each output pair. The front illuminated meter looks real good and will, I guess, let me know if voltage is surging or dropping provided I am looking at it when the event occurs.
HT-1 (music oriented)

Klipschorns w/ ALK crossover upgrades
4 Klipsch LaScalas (surround & rears)
Heresy components in custom cabinet /monitor stand (center)
Panasonic 32” Monitor W/ component video input
3 Sony CX400 CD changers
Sony CX-200 CD Changer
MSB Technology Digital Director w/ jitter reduction
Nirvis DXS digital controller (auto selection of whatever changer is playing)
Nirvis Slink-e computer interface (downloads cd info, programs & controls changers).
Nirvis CDJ (CD Jukebox Software)
Monster 5000 Power Center (serves HT-2 also)
Sony Viao Laptop Computer
Sony S530D DVD Player
Sony 798HF VCR
Sony XA1ES CD player
Sherwood HX-PRO dual cassette deck
Dynaco PAS4 stereo preamp W/ Tesla Tube upgrades (also outputs to HT2)
Technics SL3300 DD Turntable w/ Shure cartridges
Outlaw 1050 6.1 A/V Receiver
Perpetual Technologies P1A Digital Correction Engine (jitter reduction, 16 to 24 bit conversion, future speaker frequency correction, and room acoustic correction )
Perpetual Technologies P3A DAC ( plus 44.1k to 96k CD upsampling)
Klipsch KSW-15 sub (for DVD LFEs )
Klipsch LF-10 sub
Phillips Pronto TS2000 Programmable Remote
Scientific American Explorer 2000 Home Communications Terminal
X10 computerized lighting controls
Radio Shack Wireless Remote Control Extender
Onix, MSB, Monster.AR, RS Gold Cables
Monster Bi-wire speaker cable (Khorns)

HT#2 (movie oriented)
4 Klipsch KT-LCR THX Speakers
4 Klipsch RS-3s (side & rear surround)
2 Klipsch KT-DS THX Surrounds
10 Linaem Tweeters
Outlaw 1050 6.1 A/V Receiver/Preamp
Sony X111 ES CD Player
Sony 775HF VCR
Sony STR-G3 (supplemental amplification for extra speakers)
Toshiba 61” High Definition TV
Sony NS700 Progressive Scan DVD
Toshiba 4205 DVD/ CD Changer
Klipsch SW-12II Sub
Klipsch LF-10 sub
Sony AV2100 remote
Scientific American Explorer 2000 Home Communications Terminal
X10 Computerized Lighting
Vibrapods (vibration isolation)
RS Gold, AR & Monster cables

Similar Products Used:

Monster 2500

[Jul 17, 2000]
Erick Linsao
Audio Enthusiast


12 outlets, all can be controlled to be switched or unswitched..... large voltage meter with pretty "BLUE HUE", phone and coax in/out


none that I can find

what a wonderful piece of equipment!!! i used to own the HTS-3500, but in all honesty, i bought the HTS-5000 because the meter on the front was bigger and looked soooo much cooler!!! i wasn't expecting a huge difference, but i got one! my picture from satellie and DVD became much sharper, and my cable feed (we all know how bad cable can be) was much better too!!! but the most staggering improvement was in my audio... i got a 3dB gain in volume from my system, and i noticed that the music became more spacious and the bass was fuller and much more prominent.

Similar Products Used:


[Mar 21, 2001]


cool external view, switchea and unswitched outlets with delay


complitly degrades sound quality

About audio "improovment" I agree with summury of Mark from Las Vegas and Terry Stanard from Ohio. The same day I returned this unit and I switched back to the HTS3500 - exellent improver of stereo sound.

Similar Products Used:

HTS3500, HTS2000

[Jul 04, 2000]


Can control outlets on back (switched, unswitched and delay)


Can't state for sure, no A/B testing done, but my voltage meter fluctuates A LOT.

I can't say too much about this piece that has not already been said, but I can offer an honest opinion (ever notice very few people rail the gear they buy?)

I don't know much about electricity, but I am learning and quality ac seems to make a huge sonic impact. I don't know if the 5000 does much towards the sound quality, but I'd bet a nickle it doesn't do jack, or if anything degrades the sound. As I said before I have not done side by side testing, but through my research found that a majority of line conditioners are hype. I bet I could be just as happy with a cheaper Monster Line Conditioner, however I have 6 (soon to be 7) amps and wanted something to control the power on sequence. I know Panamax has a unit the does the same, but it is significanly more expensive, and offers the same or less sound quality. The only products I have found that (in my opinion) actually help clean up the sound without limiting the power are the PS Audio Power Plant and Transparent's line conditoners. I'm sure there are more but the point I want to make is this...Get a line conditioner, or GOOD surge suppressor. They are needed to control surges of all sizes. And if you want to clean up the ac to improve sound, save and spend what will be a lot of money (at least $1000) on something that will give you audible results. If you don't want to spend $1000, buy the lower line by Monster or Panamax, I'm sure they all perform pretty much the same. Until I get my money saved Monster will have to do, and if nothing else, it really does look cool (but not $600 cool).

Similar Products Used:

Other Monster stuff, and Rotel

[May 03, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast


The Big Black Box of clean, pure and bright audio. The video seems to have improved significantly.


none so far.

I am not an audiophile, however...

This is what I have observed and experienced ever since I installed the Monster HTS 5000:

The lows, mids and highs seem to be evenly separated
Better sound at low volume
Onkyo 575 runs much cooler
Both Movies and Cable are cleaner (video)
At high volume the mids no longer turn into mud

The unit I purchased has worked flawlessly, I have had no problem regarding warranty registration or customer support.

I was reading other reviews and comments: regarding the "humming", I have never heard any noise, vibration, or hum from the unit.

At first I was a skeptic in regards to purchasing an over glorified power strip (retailing for $599). Until I found a price significantly less then RETAIL. ( Justification to its finest, Saving Money!

Now I am proud owner and believer!

[Mar 20, 2000]


Makes quite a significant improvement with video, but that's about it.


Actually degrades sonic quality-- takes away from midrange "prescence", or palpability. Mediocre craftsmanship (rear outlet panel pushes in when you plug things in)

I purchased the HTS 5000 from an Ultimate Electronics store for the full retail price of $599.00. When I hooked up all of my gear into it, I had to go through about twenty (20) CD's as I was perplexed at the realization that I could not determine if the unit was even slightly improving the sound, or somehow, mysteriously degrading the sound. Only after very careful listening with my reference tuner was I able to finally hear the subtle removal of the midrange "breath" quality of male vocals, in other words, the "free air dispersion" or the sense that the lyrics are actually coming from within someones lungs (besides vocal chords). (It has about 24 capacitors and numerous chokes inside to filter line noise, but lo and behold, somehow it also "filters" your midrange, like someone putting a huge pane of glass in front of your loudspeakers).

Anything that poses such a negative sonic character- to especially the midrange of all things, marks it as a component to stay away from in my book, much like with loudspeakers, where no matter how good the bass and treble are, a speaker lacking in midrange transparency and neutrality will soon end up at your local pawn shop.

To add insult to injury, upon visual inspection of the internal construction I found that whoever was in charge of quality control that day must have had a hangover, because the top cover would not fit flushly to the front due to machining defects, and some of the short jumper wires on the circuit board were unnacceptably bent. The whole unit itself would not even sit level on my audio rack. The meter would emit a buzzing sound that you could hear when you put your ear next to it, and even with the meter light turned off, you could then hear the transformer buzzing inside.

For the price monster cable wants for this unit it is a total joke. Monster Cable has simply "jumped on the bandwagon", and has gotten their filthy, dirty, grubby, greedy little fingers into the power conditioner market to capitalize on people's insatiable appatite for hype and gross ignorance-- you wanna help Noel Lee buy his FOURTH FERRARI???-- GO AHEAD, cuz HALF of the cost of that conditioner is going to pay for ADVERTISING, 25-30% goes to PRPOFIT, and the other 20-25% goes into the PRODUCT itself.

My final word: If you don't care about sound quality, and want something for home theater, then go ahead and buy one to clean up your video, but even here, Tice Audio's products are far superior, and are hand-built with reference quality parts, and don't carry that stupid propaganda "$100,000 connected equipment warranty". Monster's customer service also is very poor, I wanted to talk directly to two of the design engineers; Richard Marsh, and Vern Smith, I called them several times and even left them e-mails, and I never got even ONE single response from them whatsoever. Yep, that's a real way to do business alright :-/

Associated Equipment:

Adcom GFP750
Aragon 4004mkII w/Tice Infinite Speed 11 GA power cord
McIntosh MR78
Sound Dynamics 300ti's
Roomtunes Deluxe Justarack
w/1&1/2" thick Canadian Hemlock
MDF Shelves
Musical Fidelity E-624 CD
Audioquest type 6 speaker cable
MIT 330+ interconnects, and Monster M1500
interconnects (I bought these years
before I knew anything about audio,
but they are not a bad interconnect)
TICE Solo AV power conditioner
(eventual upgrade to power block 3CHP)
Upgraded Tice 20 amp rated wall outlet
w/ hospital grade receptacles
Vibrapod Vibration Isolators

Music used for listening tests:

All types of FM broadcasts
XLO Reference Recordings 24K gold
Test & Burn CD
Chesky Records' Ultimate Demonstration Disc UD95
Favorite CD: Metallica S&M (San Francisco Symphony Orchestra)

P.S. BTW I have to laugh at the HTS 5000's "ULTRA-HIGH CURRENT FILTER"-- now does that sound like propaganda or what? Hell, the damn thing is only rated to 15 amps, so why don't they call it a "Normal current filter"? And even for 15 amps, the are using their oh-so-popular buzzword verbiage as well: "Powerline 200 plus power cord for ultra-high current transfer"-- Yep, um-hmmm, fourteen gauge STRANDED copper,-- no please explain to me, how is that supposed to compliment my 11 gauge power cord or the 10 guage custom wiring in my walls?

Call George Tice, he'll set you straight, 'nuff said.
Oh, and BTW, in case you couldn't figure it out, I returned the HTS 5000 back to Ultimate Electronics for a full refund.


Similar Products Used:

Panamax 1000+, Tice Solo AV Power Conditioner

[Jun 12, 2001]
Audio Enthusiast


Good power cable organizer


Cheap built-thin sheet metal housing, meter on crooked

Totally useless except as a surge protector and power cable organizer. No changes in audio were expected, however, it seems to "drain" power from my B&K 307-the sound is definitely not the same. I could stare at the needle in the meter for hours and it would not move. Does absolutely nothing for video, satellite, antenna or dvd. Save your money.

Similar Products Used:

None but will buy Tice

[Aug 07, 2001]


many oulets including cable, gives a bigger sound stage.


none yet i have found

I purchased this line conditioner after a friend had told me he could tell a difference in sound. I was a bit sceptical about monster products since i have sound tried 50 cent speaker wire against their best....the 50 cent wire won. After plugging in reciever, speakers, ect, and turning on the system, I couldnt belive the difference!!! much bigger sound stage now.

This leads my to the other reviews which are not good that are listed above. If you use crappy speakers w/ crappy inputs, I dont think a line conditioner will help. I am using Martin Logan Request electrostats, Jolinda CD and Denon Amp. To me this conditoner makes a huge differnce,

I do plan on trying a Tice system before I settle on this one. I still have it in my head that Monster= overpriced crap....Untill then here is my review.

[Dec 27, 2001]


improve sound and picture, accurate soundstage, smooth high frequency reponse.


not enough high current outlet for my subwoofer

This is a HTS 5000 MKII model with v2.0 stage 4 filtering. It make my tube amp and AV system so different.
It's hard to believe that clean power can make such a huge changed. Check this out before you upgrade your AV system

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